NVIDIA stock price has skyrocketed these couple years making most of the employees that were payed in stock semi retired now and a lot of them are def lazy meaning less work being done for the company.

    S: Nvidia's success is making some now-wealthy employees complacent | TechSpot Forums

    One employee mentioned he was making avg 148k a year in 2020 now this past year its up to $688,000/year from stock price.

    NVDIA Employees making so much that less work being done
    byu/SnooKiwis3390 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by SnooKiwis3390


    1. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      I think this was a thing back at Microsoft back in the day too.

      There was a saying internally amongst the OGs where if anyone didn’t come correctly dudes would be like fuck you I’m fully vested I don’t have to put up with this.

    2. Nvidia will have a massive turnover in it’s workforce next year. It has a lot of employees that are middle aged that will leave leadership roles for early retirement. Their industry is known for compensation that favors equity and many managers are sitting on multimillion dollar equity positions now.

    3. gen0cide_joe on

      California does not permit non-competes

      might honestly be better for the company to pay them to just sit there rather than create/go to a competitor

    4. NY_State-a-Mind on

      The only reason Jensen Huang was able to start NVDA is because he made money the exact same way in the early 90s. 

      This news can only be a positive thing for the industry and society as a whole.

    5. Company can for sure afford to hire new ones, and leave old geezers as mascots

    6. Educated_Clownshow on

      How is this different than literally any other company that excelled?

      Do you think Elongated Muskrat has put in more any more work than any of his employees? No

      He’s benefitted from the stock increase due to *their* labor and ingenuity, not his own

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