Fellow degenerates! Bagged some Nvidia tendies a few years back and now I'm sitting pretty. Thinking about taking profits, but damn, can't resist riding this rocket even higher. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ What do you think, hold or fold? Need some serious diamond hands advice on this one!


    Posted by Forsaken_Math_5973


    1. BrokeSingleDads on

      Sell CC’s 175 for January right before earnjngsnto protec the downside and hope it settles 160’s 🀣

    2. Wapiti-eater on

      It ain’t cash money until it’s in the bank. Until then it’s just numbers on a screen and your life is just same as it’s always been

      Sell it all and enjoy!!

    3. Sell a couple deep OTM calls for next year. Use that money to pay down debt. Keep letting them grow.

      That’s what I’d do.

    4. Valid_Username_56 on

      Please please ride the rocket.
      I mean, my gains need to come from somewhere, the stock market doesn’t produce money!

      Honestly: FFS dude take it.

    5. LetMeInImTrynaCuck on

      Is this your entire portfolio and how much longer do you plan to work?

      If you sold everything and HYSA everything you’d probably pull in 90k cash a year to live off of.

      I’d probably sell. Not sure how much more money you need than 2.5 mil. You won the game of life, no need to push on.

    6. Happy for you. 10% of that would solve all my problems and you are gambling with it xD.

      But that’s just how life is…

    7. Pain of losing money is much more severe than joy of winning. I hope you will not learn hard way.

    8. GoTakeCoffee on

      β€œNeed some serious diamond hands advice on this one!”

      Bro just post your gains and it keep it moving

    9. You know the saying: If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell.

      Personally (this is not financial advice), I’d sell it, reinvest some if it in an index fund of my choice, and use the rest to fuck off for a few years.

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