35M Air Force Major/O4 with 13.5 yrs TAFMS (9 years Active Duty, 4 years AGR Reserve) currently sitting in a Lt Col/O5 AGR billet.

    Married, family of 4 with 2 young kids. Current NW at $1.1M ($800K liquid). I make $160K (equates to ~$200K equitable civ pay when you factor tax benefits for BAH). Wife makes good money, $200K

    I’m burnt out, fed up with the complacency and ineptitude in the reserve. On the other hand, the current job is easy and we only work 4 days a week, 9-1530. Still, I want to get out, go TR (part-time), get my MBA, and try something different.

    I’m so close (yet it feels so far) to getting my 20 yr retirement and likely reaching financial independence in my mid 40s.

    Am I being stupid? I make good money for not working that much + I’ve only got 6 yrs left to reach 20…..


    Am I being stupid?
    byu/CROtod inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by CROtod


    1. Bro you work 4 days a week 9-1530? Just keep that and do whatever you want to do.

    2. I feel that about the reserves. I was active for 5 year and I’m about to end my agr orders half way thru to go active duty space force.

    3. Changing careers to do something you want to do, even if it means lower pay, isn’t necessarily stupid. Giving up the pension when you’re already 70% of the way there? That’s maybe not the best idea.

      If you were struggling mentally to make it, it’d be worth it….but if that 6 years feels at all possible for you and your family you should try for it. With a 20yr officer pension and that much NW with a spouse who has enough income for your entire family, you could retire at 20 and never *have* to work again if you’re careful with your budget.

    4. It’s a question for you and your wife. You could stop working right now because your wife’s salary could support you. She makes more than most two income households herself. You’ve got an easy job and many would kill for AGR.

      There is complacency and ineptitude on active duty and in many civilian places. Need to ask yourself if rolling the dice is worth losing a fairly hefty pension. Assuming you pin O5 before you retire – you are looking at 5k per month.

    5. abortion__survivor on

      You’re gonna go get a new job and want to come back to your cushy one a month later. Enjoy your family and easy job. Lots of people would kill to be where you’re at.

      I’ve seen a lot of guys go contractor and ask for their job back a few months later. Hell, I’ve done it.

    6. 6.5 years is still 1/3 of the journey left to go. It’s your call obviously. You see the pros and cons. Will you have regret? Go either direction but I’m with eyes wide open. I retire this next week myself. Yes the benefits are huge. But I also was fortunate to have jobs I enjoyed along the way. Never meant to stay 20.

    7. Satoshinakamoto99 on

      “200k equitable civilian pay when you factor in tax benefits for BAH”.

      Does this mean you net around $12k per month?(before tsp contribution).

      I would stay in if I were you. Benefits and money are too good to pass

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