Okay so listen. India is now home to 1/6 of all humans. 4x the US population. It’s a free market democracy, run by relatively sane, pro-growth people. They speak English and are hungry to kick ass, economically speaking.

    Q3 growth blew out expectations at 8.4%. Will the US ever see that kind of growth again? I doubt it. And who cares, because India is going to do it for the next 40 years. In the last 20, they have maintained an average 8% growth rate vs 2% in the US.

    In 2025 when all the dumb elections are over and with rates falling globally, India is going to emerge as the global economic powerhouse. An estimated 53 millions people are enrolled in college this year, a huge amount in tech/engineering. By 2035 that is expected to be 92 million.

    These students are going to come out of school with valuable tech skills and they are going to want luxury goods, cars, good housing, personal electronics and travel. They are going to fucking innovate like a motherfucker.

    This is already happening. The middle class is growing rapidly. Per capita income has increased 140% since 2014. They will soon be the third biggest GDP, blowing by Japan and Germany.

    Check this stat: “By 2030, close to one in two households will belong to either high- or upper-middle-income categories with growing disposable incomes.” (Deloitte) 

    Meanwhile fewer Americans are going to college every year, a trend that started in 2010. Our rampant anti-intellectualism is going to finally screw us in the 21st century.

    Let’s face it, America is a dying empire. Our leadership are all clueless octogenarians. The Boomers have ruined everything and are not going anywhere anytime soon. We can’t build housing, our bridges and roads are collapsing, our population is decreasing and fewer young people are going to college.

    Meanwhile, half of India’s population is under 30. That’s two USAs just right there.

    So I’ve got exposures with the EPI ETF. 2687 shares. It might be a little sleepy for this sub, but it’s been a rocket since 2020. I’m just jumping on now.


    I’m not smart to know about other stuff. Apes, what are other ways you are getting exposure to this juicy ass market?

    TL;DR – India is a damn juggernaut. Buy India.

    India is the play
    byu/pondersassinorum inwallstreetbets

    Posted by pondersassinorum


    1. Another country play is Argentina. Decades of decline due socialists policies now the country is getting kickstarted due to a libertarian getting in power. They recently passed a reform bill that should speed things up

    2. Content_Success7881 on

      India is also the reason my current job is outsourcing and most likely the reason I get fired after the current employees (me) train them 🙂

      So yeah I agree. First hand experience.

    3. reflect-the-sun on

      I have worked in tech for over 20 years.

      Something tells me you have very little experience working with Indian companies.

    4. Status_Quo_1778 on

      In 2025 when all the dumb elections are over and with rates falling globally, India is going to emerge as the global economic powerhouse. An estimated 53 millions people are enrolled in college this year, a huge amount in tech/engineering. By 2035 that is expected to be 92 million.

      These students are going to come out of school with valuable tech skills and they are going to want luxury goods, cars, good housing, personal electronics and travel. They are going to fucking innovate like a motherfucker.

      LOL dude where do you think they’re going as soon as they get out college? AMERICA. and they’re not going back until they can buy a nice fat house and the maids that come with them, EVEN THEN, they prefer the US. The highest income per household average in America are Indians. And that’s not going to change anytime soon. Yes India may become a powerhouse economically but they are being used and abused by the Russians. America will always be THE superpower. Also quality of life is still arguably better in the US. I’m Indian and many of my friends who still go back to India say the same thing. After they get their degree many of them my age would never go back only to visit once or twice a year. This a great post but as a 31yr old I don’t see this happening in my lifetime and not in my kids either.

    5. gen0cide_joe on

      > In 2025 when all the dumb elections are over

      news flash, there will be more dumb elections in the future as well, filled with vote buying, minority scapegoating, and endless corruption (standard political stuff)

      > free market

      I don’t think so lol, they still have a lot of protectionist policies

      > An estimated 53 millions people are enrolled in college this year, a huge amount in tech/engineering. By 2035 that is expected to be 92 million

      a lot of those are as useless as the degree mills they go to in Canada as well

      and the employment prospect is bleak even for grads, that’s a huge reason why the BJP lost their majority this time

      > They are going to fucking innovate like a motherfucker

      has there really been any real innovation coming out of there? cause most of the top tech companies are just outsourcing existing workflows with cheaper labor

      same with their medical industry, they haven’t really invented any new drugs, they just copy US/European ones with generics and give them the finger when it comes to medical patents

      > Let’s face it, America is a dying empire

      that much is true

      all the reckless moneyprinting and long term debts are going to catch up in due time

      > Meanwhile fewer Americans are going to college every year, a trend that started in 2010. Our rampant anti-intellectualism is going to finally screw us in the 21st century.

      not a bad thing considering how American universities have turned into for-profit leeches

      someone who doesn’t go to college is better off than someone who wastes 4 years and 6 figures of debt just to become a bartender

      > Meanwhile, half of India’s population is under 30. That’s two USAs just right there.

      Indian inequality is huge, much of the growth is in urban upper castes and conglomerates, I think they’re even worse than Hanguk

      massive hordes of young people without jobs or stuck in agripoverty

      if anything, it’s a tinderbox that’s just waiting for growing food price inflation to finally tip everything over

      lots of young people + no jobs + food insecurity = Arab Spring-style unrest

    6. India’s market is the perfect example of buying fair things at a wonderful price. I prefer to gamble my money on 0DTEs

    7. India sure is pumping out a lot of engineers…

      That promptly leave the country lmao

    8. BlindSquirrelCapital on

      I own some INDA for this very reason. That being said, sometimes the things that look certain from a macro perspective sometimes never materialize in the long term. People had the same view of Japan in the 1980s.

    9. Indians are really good with both the English and coding languages, but their biggest problem is corruption and culture. Fix these and they good, and these are historically super hard to fix. Oh and, they talk too much.

    10. Zestyclose-Ruin8337 on

      I don’t think you have any clue about the challenges faced by India to become like a China.

    11. TheBlackOut2 on

      Watch the Papa Meat India street food video and get back to me with your DD

    12. India’s infrastructure is all crap.
      To be the next China, it needs highways, harbors, high-speed rail.

    13. topicalsyntax571 on

      Just buy $QQQM, these massive tech companies are going to take advantage of cheap labor

    14. No way has WSB come around to actually doing schizophrenic DD on the INDIA SUPERPOWER *insert next year here* meme

    15. India still hasn’t in general taught people how to think. That is one of their biggest problems. I’ve dealt with a very large number of people, and some are quite smart and very capable…but for the most part a lot of the tech people are taught a very specific thing, and that is all they know. You go out of the box and it creates a system error in their brain. The ability to problem solve and innovate on the fly is not something that is known or taught.

      I’ll tell you when things will really change and India becomes a world leader is when people stop thinking like idiots (and investing in toilets). They have created a population crisis that is not going away for generations, where they abort the girls and just have boys because they can’t pay the dowry for a wedding. When you are in a village and there are 500 boys and 3 girls and the parents of the girls still think they need to amass a fortune to marry their girl off, they still don’t understand the most basic tennent of economics…just demand the boys family pay them a dowry, where else are they going to find a girl???

    16. Dude, India has a growing unemployment problem. It is a ticking time bomb.

      Leave macro stats and look at micro stats.

      India will grow, there is no stopping that but it has issues.

    17. New-Load9905 on

      agreed, 5x US population, negative 10x of US economy over 300 million under 30. huge upside.

    18. SubstanceEffective52 on

      No thanks, I have no interest in allocate any resource on a place I don’t live and will never visit.

      As far as I’m concerned either we put our shit together and make this side of the world better or we all gonna sink this ship slowly and surely.

      And don’t get me wrong here. If my city does well the whole continent, country or state, can vanish.

    19. If you look at their small cap index, that’s where some big returns are hiding

    20. > America is a dying empire. 

      It’s not though. And if it were – which it’s not, in any metric – we are talking centuries of decline before a collapse

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