TL;DR – Boner pills good. Weight loss pills good. Hair loss pills good. Ozempic/GLP1/longevity narrative good. Upside in valuation good.


    They’ve been crushing earnings because their zoomer/millenial customers will look past high margins (for quick personalized healthcare over an app instead of a phone call or IRL). FDA shortage <> compound loophole should allow them to grow their base for the next year or more.

    Hoping the high marketing spend YTD combined with their new weight loss pills not being included in guidance (before august earnings) will let me print on these.

    Eli Lilly at ATH and potentially splitting stock/crossing 1T$ should have people scrambling for healthcare/ozempic adjacent exposure? Their potential to extend offerings to things like sleep/testosterone/other GLP1 drugs are other catalysts imo.

    but much side effects and long term impact

    Go yell that outside the Coca Cola HQ too.

    Ozempic (and other drugs) will reach mainstream escape velocity whether you like it or not. Just like Botox and other procedures: Celebrities => Yuppies/IG thots in big cities who want to be like Celebrities => Affluent suburban moms (we are here) => Everyone who is currently obese.

    I bulleive in the boner pill company and have the risk appetite


    Posted by ilovethewayyousmile


    1. Pocket_Universe_King on

      Bro…if you wait to sell them until Americans aren’t fat, they’re going to expire on you. Bring that bar down lower

    2. Genuienly cant wait for the next big market event so I can buy 200 leaps for cheaper. my favorite stock

    3. MarxKnewBest on

      So they’re just gonna expire or you’ll exercise them? Thanks for your sacrifice.

    4. MrBobBuilder on

      HIMs is one of the few times I’ve ever actually exercised an option🤷🏻‍♂️

    5. >FDA […] compound loophole should allow them to grow their base for the next year or more

      layers to this shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

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