Has zerohedge been right about anything ever?

    It’s always pessimistic doom and gloom with them. I mean it’s hard to perceive a shirtless Brad Pitt as ever being wrong, but have they ever been right?

    byu/giovannigiannis inwallstreetbets

    Posted by giovannigiannis


    1. Zero hedge is an angry fat white dude who is bitter about his own life.

      Why would anyone ever listen to him.

    2. Last-Product6425 on

      Zero Hedge, The_Real_Fly, Maverick of Wall Street, are all just perma bears who like to harp on macro economics doom and gloom for clicks and monetization but they’ve been saying the sky is falling for over 2 decades now and here we are.

      They talk a lot but dont really say much.

    3. Everyone who subscribes to the Austrian school of economics is a fucking loser on the stock market.

    4. PkmnTraderAsh on

      Maybe 0.05% of the time there’s something useful. But it’s mostly there to laugh at and read the comments for giggles.

    5. Fun_Reporter9086 on


    6. InterPeritura on


      The first article I saw on the website “China Outpaces America In Science.”

      Instant 0 credibility for me, dawg.

    7. Realistic_Olive_6665 on

      Only two or three of the top ten articles are even related to economics. There is certainly a pessimistic bias. I would say that the unifying theme of all the articles posted is that Western Civilization is in a continuous decline.

      Top ten articles:

      Nashville Journalist Faces Jail Time Over Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leak

      Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service

      “Don’t Buy Into This Crap”, Catherine Austin Fitts Warns “AI Is Digital Control”

      Goldman Prime: Frustration Grows With The Lack Of Participation From Non-Mag 7 Stocks

      The Changing Nature Of Nuclear Deterrence

      Japan Grants Asylum To Just 303 People In 2023 As It Rejected 98% Of Applicants

      Biden Campaign Claims Trump Said He Will “Throw Women With Beautiful Children In Mass Detention Camps”

      Swiss Summit Says Ukraine’s ‘Territorial Integrity’ Must Be Basis Of Any Peace

      20% Of California Lives In Poverty; What’s Going On?

      Goldman Sees The S&P Rising As High AS 6,300 By Year-End: Here’s Why

    8. OverdosedSauerkraut on

      Their macro is usually doom posting and they’re generally early in predicting of anything going down. But their timelines are way too short, they completely ignore the inertia of the financial system. They’re good to read as the bear case, but wouldn’t rely on them for short term investments.

    9. resumethrowaway222 on

      There was a very short period of time during the 2008 crisis where Zerohedge was scarily accurate. They knew things that they just shouldn’t know and probably had people inside the big banks talking to them. At this time the site was very different from what it is now. It was not well known at all and mostly had an audience of finance pros and didn’t post the crap it does today. I remember actually having an intelligent conversation about the structure of CMOs in the comments section with someone who obviously worked with that type of security.

      Unfortunately the owners of the site quickly realized that they could make much more money by posting complete bullshit for a wider audience, and it descended to what it is today.

    10. Ok_Somewhere4737 on

      I tried to follow zerohedge but it reminded me so hard info wars and others fake news so I stopped to follow zerohedge.

    11. Zerohedge is a Putin linked propaganda rag run out of Bulgaria, hence the negativity.

    12. His job is not about being right it’s about telling bears what they want to hear. Brad Pitt is also no accident because it attracts the ghey bers.

    13. BrooklynLansing on

      The only thing I’ve ever seen them predict correctly was the XIV etf crash

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