Am I doing this right?

    Posted by Heckinghannibal


    1. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. ImKetchupmothafcka on

      Do people really think this stock will moon that much in only a couple of weeks? Like why? Just because it’s nvda? What news is there to sell that hasn’t been sold already? OP……come on, it doesn’t take a finance degree to use logic. OP was seriously going on thoughts and prayers that the stock would shoot up another 20%-30%, when it’s already $3T company.

      But did you try gold at least?

    3. OutsideBell1951 on

      180 calls? Bro you should have bought 360$ calls for a full rotational and generational play.

    4. Tesla lost half its value so you short while NVIDIA gone up 1000% in two weeks you think it’s going to moon?

    5. yungbrokenwavy on

      Why you buying way out of the money ? It dont run like that quick. Maybe do like 135c next week or 130c

    6. Thickus__Dickus on

      You ding dong, why did you “put” tesla when they clearly were going to re-approve? get out of your regarded reddit bubble, every time I go outside I see more teslas than honda civics.

    7. The10thLayer on

      Holy shit withdraw everything and close your account right now. Don’t even think about doing ETFs in the future, because you’ll somehow fuck that up too.

    8. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      This is why, instead of putting $100k in NVDA options, I put $100k in NVDA shares. I don’t have to deal with this shit. If NVDA drops, I hold and wait – not stress about how I just lost all my money.

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