1. High yield spreads are widening. Depending on todays report it could lead to a sell off in equities if it continues ticking higher

    2. Quickoneonit on

      If you don’t understand why NVDA is leagues above AMD then don’t buy either…. JK always buy NVDA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    3. Deep_Improvement372 on

      i woke up this morning and saw 0dte 546C at 0.04. Highest I saw it going for was 2.50. $200 coulda made me 12 bands

    4. AI_go_boomboom on

      Unless retail sales tomorrow is a huge miss (like in April), the momentum will keep going and SPY $550 tomorrow is almost certain.

    5. How long would you fuckers hold soxl right now?

      Thinking of bailing Thursday if it doesn’t go south before then.

    6. ParkSuspicious4879 on

      bought 547 for $2. Sold at $22 Then it went till $122 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    7. Ready2gambleboomer on

      “This is our last tour. I can’t see myself singing I can’t get no satisfaction at 70 years old” —Mick Jagger during the 1980 Steel Wheels Tour 44 years ago.

      How about at 80 Mick?


    8. AllTooWell31 on

      I have so many options expiring this week that surely one will make me lambo

    9. Yogurt_Up_My_Nose on

      LULU is gonna blow up longterm. just imagine how many f-att-y gonna be on weight loss drugs and wanna luxurious form fitting outfit.

    10. # AI Discussion Summary
      – Someone wants to short LULU following its share price increase, speculating that newly health-conscious ‘fattties’ will want Lulu gear to show off their new slim bodies.

      – Multiple people think NVIDIA ($NVDA) is about to absolutely tank. It seems that a lot of /r/wallstreetbets are unhappy about missing out on huge gains from $NVDA and are now hoping for a big drop so they can buy in at a bargain price.

      – Someone is getting worried about missing out on gains from stock market index funds. Others assure them that this is a common and understandable mistake, but now isn’t the right time to panic.

      – Tuesday was apparently a good day to buy Call options.

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