Bought way too early (2 years ago) and held through massive downtrend. Never sold. And not planning on selling until it's $420.69 per share. This company has legit tech and nobody else is close. No, not even Elon.

    Multi year hold.

    Posted by BananTarrPhotography


    1. Substantial_Glass348 on


      I went full regard (all in) for 84k 18 months ago. Down to 40k at lowest last month, now 240k.

      My smooth brain enabled me to go all in. Now I need my heart to keep me HODLing up to 420.69 pps and beyond.

      In all seriousness, I’m not selling any below 100 and fully intend to hold all to 250+ depending on the commercial success of the company.

      ASTS millionaire club I’m coming 🫡

    2. Careful_Pair992 on

      Legend.. am also super bullish on this. I picked lulu puts instead so I got wreaked today instead.

    3. Nice! I’m estimating ASTS will hit $50+ by early 2025 once we start seeing revenue from the new Bluebird sats!

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