1K to 64K in 2 month


    Posted by mfk5825


    1. Option calls on Reddit, GameStop, Salesforce, Apple, and obviously SPY!

      My exits weren’t perfect, definitely could have made more but also aware I got lucky and it could have all gone back down.

      This is basically my entire net worth. Stopping for now (see you all tomorrow)

    2. If you would have put in 2k. You would have made a lot more. Too bad there isnt a way to know how much you missed out on. Fuck you btw, and congrats.

    3. PooPooPointBoiz on

      Must be nice. I can ride the momentum all I want, but every single time I jump in, the stock changes direction against me. Every single time.

    4. Pull out your initial investment so no matter what happens you didn’t lose all of your money.

    5. Doogertron64 on

      Yo can you give me some of that luck ? I’m trying to move out and get away from my dad for good.

    6. Please withdraw 50k or put it back in SPY shares or something 😂 congrats and FU

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