1. BuySlySellSlow on

      This is the first catalyst.
      1) Celtics win.
      2) J-Pow is caught on a hot mic talking rate HIKES.
      3) Biden comes out as the first gay president. (GRND becomes the next $1T market cap, rest of market crashes.)
      4) Jensen loses his leather jacket, NVDA drops 69% in a day.
      5) China invades Taiwan and outlaws beef noodle soup.

    2. Yes definitely, short with every penny you have and then let me know what you’re shorting so I can “follow”.

    3. InterPeritura on

      Yes. Now we just need to wait for $AAPL to enter retrograde.

      Peak r/wallstreetbets astrology.

    4. fenriswulfwsb on

      Ah yes. The outcome of a popularized Sportball event will have a profound impact on our economy, nation, and social fabric… Oh wait, no. It’s a game with no actual ramifications other than which fans are drunk out of jubilation and which are drunk out of rage. Earth continues to spin about its axis.

    5. burneraccount1819 on



    6. Randomly-Looking on

      All in on puts on bear sterns and Lehman brothers!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258). Oh wait it doesn’t work like that ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    7. AudienceDue6445 on

      Celtics are green.
      Money is green
      My pee pee is green after smashing the neighbor.
      Time to buy calls boys

    8. Depends. What moon. Phase has it been for majority of crashes ? Because ya know, it’s all correlated.

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