1. I need you regards to keep buying this market so I can retire for good this year.

      Already hit my numbers. I’m just looking for some bonus retirement money.

    2. Hmm that Boston Celtics guy makes a good point, they may try and crash the market right before the election and somehow blame it on trump, no better motivator than fear

    3. Make that money today boys hoped you rolled all the 0DTE profits into some NVDA calls

    4. Randomsomedude on


    5. Manic_Manatees on

      Another big up day for tech would start to push this whole run into ‘unprecedented in modern times’ levels.

      Not bad for a hawkish Fed and and an economy opinion polls claim is the worst ever

    6. Scary_Larry_ on

      This cat dude has these people grasping at straws to find the deepest meaning possible for the memes he’s posting. He’s sitting on a pile of money laughing at you all ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    7. Manic_Manatees on

      it says something about AI that nearly all of the investment interest is in hardware and not software. like people expect miners to go off and look for gold and find rocks.

    8. Good morning ameripoors, It’s now afternoon in europe and we want you to open the casino already

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