Cathie Wood-Led Ark Picks Up $5.3M Worth Of TSMC Shares

    Posted by superogc


    1. PuppiesAndPixels on

      Hmmm… I’m up 35% on TSMC…. maybe it’s time to sell all that crap and throw more in NVDA hah. Gotta do the anti wood method of investing.

    2. Intelligent-Today-38 on

      How does she even have more money? Every news, comments has been negative about her funds

    3. Remember when everyone was simping over her? Ark is down over $14 billion over 10 years.

    4. Appropriate_Ice_7507 on

      I get hard every time I see her picture. I come almost always when she speaks. I have issues ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    5. Literally just sold TSMC (and some other EM stuff) today. I must be some kind of genius

    6. MoltenCheeseMuppet on

      Way to pick it up near the height is her strategy. Next she’ll pick up some chipotle

    7. I don’t know how she hasn’t recovered any of her losses, literally one of the most regarded traders. One of us, one of us!!!

    8. Always worth keeping in mind that her origin story is “god told her” to setup an investment fund..

    9. OutOfBananaException on

      While this isn’t for the ARKG fund, is ARKG the worst performing ‘growth’ ETF in history? Nearly flat after a decade – actually a difficult feat to pull of, to successfully choose that many lemons.

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