Boeing CEO blasted by Senate panel: ‘It’s a travesty that you are still in your job’

    Posted by batyrshah


    1. WestCoastGriller on

      One of the most intelligent yet ironic things to come out of that chamber in a long time.

    2. Puzzleheaded_Soil275 on

      The irony is Boeing is approximately as competent as the Senate.

      Boeing has designed essentially 2 new planes in the last 30 years, correct (777 and 787)? All of their other new planes are taking the old design, adding a couple chairs and fuel tanks, strapping on a pair of new engines from GE, watching them literally fall out of the sky, and somehow making a worse product than Airbus (which is impressive, because LOL Europe).

      Is there a more incompetent company in America right now?

    3. Bronze_Rager on

      “We continuously encourage employees to report all concerns as our priority is to ensure the safety of our airplanes and the flying public,” she said.

      LOL right…

    4. alwayslookingout on

      > Mohawk said he was retaliated against and that he was told by supervisors to hide evidence from the Federal Aviation Administration, according to a memo shared by the committee on Tuesday. Dozens of important parts were stored outside during an FAA inspection, including 42 rudders as well as winglets and stabilizers, Mohawk alleged in claims with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the memo said.

      Sounds like more people need to be fired. Not just their overpaid CEO.

    5. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      It’s a travesty that the government gives them billions and it’s wasting our tax dollars ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    6. goodbadidontknow on

      Its true, Boeing are pretty useless. Not just with airplanes but also with weapons.

    7. Meanwhile, their financially bloated pig of a space capsule (whos launch was scrubbed multiple times)…is *still* stuck at the ISS.

    8. This reminds me of that time the not-long-for-the-job CEO of Wells Fargo testified to the Senate about how signing up customers for accounts they didn’t ask for or know about was “not our culture”.
      Can’t remember her exact quote, but I think Elizabeth Warren said something like “I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast”.

    9. waIIstr33tb3ts on

      should’ve followed China’s footstep and unaliving these CEOs who caused so may lives

    10. I wish i could say the same thing about my boss…and maybe more like robbery too..🤯🤯🤯

    11. They’re angry….they’re angry that other people are getting over like they get over. 💁

    12. And this is the manufacturer alone. When airlines start to default or best case scenario merge is going to be interesting

    13. Im_A_MechanicalMan on

      That goes for most C-Suites in large corporations. Lots of protection for those deemed elites by those also deemed elite.

      You can slam dunk your business into the trashcan then collect a golden parachute severance. It’s the most bizarre thing.

      All the reward, none of the risk in holding those positions.

    14. edit_why_downvotes on

      Senate panels are a great dog & pony show for them to look like they’re asking hard questions and doing good things, before going back to doing shady nonsense and ignoring everything. It’s a public flogging for the media and nothing more.

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