What will she missed out on next


    Posted by RowAdditional1614


    1. I already hate losing small I would struggle to sleep every night if that was me

    2. She says god told here to setup an investment fund, guess he is not speaking to her anymore..

    3. I watched someone from Ark talking about their $2000 Tesla price target. She kept using the word “feel” to describe major points of their thesis. “We feel like Tesla can capture 10% market share in robots. We feel like FSD is just right around the corner. We feel like…”. ARKK is down 4% over the last 5 years, yet somehow these people are still relevant.

    4. “Just Inverse Cathie Wood” has been a meme on this sub for a while, glad to see it still rings true

    5. Ok-Information-2829 on

      She’s horrible. If she had half her senses she would’ve known January is good for the market, at least has been for the last few years.

    6. She’s the prime example for holding losers too long and selling winners too early… what a moron

    7. Brief-Frosting405 on

      How do you lose money during the AI bull market when all you’ve talked about for the last five years is the AI “revolution”? This is THE TIME for a high beta tech based strategy to work and she just couldn’t do it.

    8. kit_leggings on

      TBF, she had her mouth full of Elon’s micropeen at the time so she was a little distracted.

    9. Important_Abroad7868 on

      She definitely belongs here. I feel like she is a gullible sheep loving Elmo’s balls slapping her taint

    10. ARKK innovation fund; an innovative way to get you working next to the dumpster behind Wendy’s full time.

    11. SanityImposter on

      All of my worst investment decisions involve selling too soon. Hell, I sold NVDA in 2020.

    12. Failing upward one shit play at a time. She came from nowhere, and failed all the way up.

    13. DistantGalaxy-1991 on

      I have no idea why she’s famous. She’s like one of the worst traders ever. (and not because of anything having to do with NVDA. Just overall)

    14. She’s a garbage human
      Down 1% today

      No fucking excuse
      How does anyone give her money

      I’m dumping my -60% bags for literally anything else


    15. blade-runner9 on

      Well I get it she could see Tesla was going to rocket to 2000 or something. Had to dump ndva. Brilliance.

    16. Zealousideal-Bar-745 on

      She has lost like 14.3bn of investors money lol. She don’t know shit she ain’t smart

    17. I ate 65% loss on ARRK and switch to Nvidia at the end of year and recovered all the loss through NVDA. Never listening to this lunatic woman again

    18. Why does anyone listen to this chick? I haven’t heard one good pick in the last 2-3 years. If anything do the exact opposite

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