Puts or calls?


    Posted by ghostinawishingwell


    1. Wouldn’t that actually be a crime? Is someone in his position allowed to buy /sell?

    2. I knew he was wii-tar-edd. Don’t know why the Reddit Money Monkies don’t like him..

    3. From Trump University “Stocks or stockings- grab them by the profitability” chapter 3 “The SEC just lets you do it.”

      At this stage in the stock market dalliance your going to want to “neg” the stock as much as possible. This neglecting and sometimes out right attacking a stock in front of their blue chip friends places you in the perfect position to have your fixer buy puts with money you earned using the barely legal methods you learned in chapter 2 “How to turn a “not for profit” into “for profits, now.”

      Alright class, that’s all for today. Don’t forget to read chapter 4 this week “Man- boy love and the power of the Greeks- acting on your hebephillia urges- learning to party like it’s 699 BCE.”

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