I bought a bit of NVDA about 7 years ago when they announced that they wanted to be the chip maker that ran autonomous cars. I thought that was the next big thing so I bought a small stake.

    Who knew AI would take off. If only I added a zero to my purchase. I’m only posting because an 18,000% gain is …bananas.


    Posted by jaeggernaut1


    1. I had an avg price of 20$ and I sold at 73$. Paper handed.

      If I knew, I would put all my cash into NVDA in late 2022

    2. I’m so sad for your loss, let me have some shares so we can cry about it together ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

    3. billionsKD21 on

      Better performer than meme coin, and it is liquid. Congratulations. I know you wish you got at least 6000 shares.

    4. Clever_droidd on

      The most painful thing about this is I often thought about buying NVDA since early 2000s but the stock never seemed to go anywhere. When it fell in 2022 I had a thought to go all in. Guess how many shares I’ve ever owned… that’s right. 0

    5. Warm-Fish-4267 on

      Just think about what you’re missing out on right now! Your future self will be disappointed in you once again

    6. People keep saying I should have put more money into Nvda and this and that. Don’t forget a gun exchanged 10000 bitcoins for 2 large pizzas 😣

    7. Left-Secretary-2931 on

      I feel that. Are you like me where you don’t wanna buy more because it’ll fuck up your gain percentage lol

    8. Anonsldrwhistleblow on

      My avg price is 109😂 . Cash that out and have a few less worries in life.

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