This upcoming Thursday, June 20th, and Friday, June 21st, have the WORST 5-day average returns of any day outside of three days in late September. This is based on over 70 years of stock market data. The week including June 20-27 is the 2nd worst period of the year, down over 70% of the time. The QQQ has a gap to fill at $269. Many people will be caught on the wrong side of the market shortly. Since history sometimes repeats, I need some luck. I went almost all in on short-term QQQ and "the seven" PUTS over the next two weeks. Looking for 20X and rubbing that lucky rabbit's foot.

    sometimes repeats,

    June 20 and June 21 are the 4th and 5th worst trading days of the year
    byu/pttrader22 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by pttrader22


    1. Of course I learn of this when I just got SPY options expiring July 5th. Nice. I did warn in the daily threat that SPY would go down because I bought calls.

    2. Guess my calls expiring the 21st are toast. Should have cash out yesterday when they were in the green.

    3. Careful_Pair992 on

      June 19th will be flat.  Hoping all that negative energy pushes into lily for a 50pt gap down day.  Can you dm me this spreadsheet.  I like it 🙂

    4. But have you done any kind of statistical testing to work out if that’s noise or not? You are about to get wrecked.

    5. Historical_Cover8133 on

      This is immensely regarded and akin to reading tea leaves. We’re in uncharted market territory and there’s no indication of a major pullback on, for instance, NVIDIA. Especially considering the ETF rebalancing that’s going to happen after market close on the 21st.

    6. frumpydrangus on

      Yeah, last year I looked at the last 6 July 5 (day after 4 market close) and 5/6 were green. Then it was 5/7 and I lost a bunch of

    7. Big_ShinySonofBeer on

      What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

    8. saw something about the 21st being a day when brokers will close hedged positions, they have for options they have sold…So the theory stated was that brokers had sold a large number of calls that were hedged by buying stock at the same time, so they will sell that stock as the calls expire resulting in a market drop on the 21st and selling happens on the 20th in anticipation of the drop on the 21st. I guess we’ll see if the prophecy comes true…

    9. Abject_Ad_1265 on

      Looks at this guys brilliant discovery. Takes 2.3 seconds to realize these are when spy dividends are distributed. Adds note that this guy is the biggest regard of all the regards

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