Boeing CEO David Calhoun says he’s ‘proud’ of the company’s safety record

    Posted by Weak-Concern-828


    1. He’s referring to the Men Without Hats single gold record that’s framed and hanging on his office wall. Picked it up at a garage sale I believe 🤔

    2. Meanwhile astronauts stuck in space on a busted Boeing capsule ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. DenyHerYourEssence on

      That quote is all the proof you need that the announcement of him stepping down was the right first step for the company.

    4. alwayslookingout on

      I bet he thinks the higher the number of safety violations they get, the better the company is doing.

    5. Martello_the_hammer on

      How ironic. The company that kills whistleblowers are “proud”. This is obviously Bs marketing.

    6. Not delusional. Intentionally and willfully misleading and disingenuous. Time to step down sir.

    7. Terrapins1990 on

      Honestly the only reason to bet on boeing at this point is because the us won’t let boeing fail. Any other company outside the defense industry would be in flames now

    8. WendysSupportStaff on

      dude that never posts here except for 6 months ago, makes a thread about BA. LOL Calls on BA.

    9. What do you want him to say? He’s in charge of shareholders’ investment, of course he will say something like this.

    10. Can we make some money while shitting on this absolute limb dick looking ahh company ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)

    11. elpresidentedeljunta on

      Don´t get me wrong. For a man, who burned through roughly 25 billion dollar of the companie´s cash, his salary is pretty safe.

    12. Awkward-Ring6182 on

      Yes, because less safety and less whistleblowers = multimillion $$ for the ceo 🚀

    13. Key_Sell_9336 on

      What else can he say, people that fly all the time are saying if it’s Boeing I’m not going

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