There is a massive bull case for AMD this year. Xilinx acquisition is going to help them hone their software to catch up to Cuda. Lisa is all hands on deck right now to catch up. They copied nvidia’s roadmap and are releasing GPU’s yearly to match Nvidia release schedule. She keeps saying we’ll keep you updated as the year goes on about guidance updates for AI revenue, right now it’s at 4 billion, already revised upwards by 0.5 billion at last earnings. High chance it gets revised up again at the next one in July. She said they have supply to deliver “significantly” more than 4 billion if demand is there. Meta and msft are already confirmed buyers. Msft ceo has hyped the shit out of mi300. stock is going back up to 200 by end of year but you guys ignore this and keep trying to chase nvidia to 4 trillion

    AMD bull case.
    byu/Itchy_Brain6340 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Itchy_Brain6340


    1. AnotherScoutTrooper on

      you’ll make more money by hoping AMD hits 150 and triggers stop losses than coping this hard about a company destined to remain in second place

    2. Jan 2026 call debit spread would be my play. I might open a small position. 200/225 or 200/250

    3. Penny-Pinscher on

      Meh. When amd stopped trading with NVDA it became butt buddies with MU instead. Now NVDA is unfettered and you’re probably just fomo’ing into the next closest thing

    4. I’m not very convinced by your argument. I’m not saying your wrong, but your argument hasn’t made the case that a bull run for AMD is on the horizon, let alone a massive case or run for it. At least from what you’ve said it seems like this is minimally what AMD needs to do to stay in the game.

      To make a stronger case:
      1. Explain and expand on what you mean by “Xilinx acquisition is going to help them hone their software to catch up to Cuda.” and what “catch up to Cuda” actually means.

      2. In explaining (1), account for how or why companies will be interested in switching from CUDA to ROCm, under what circumstances, and whether you think companies will switch outright or merely have some projects on ROCm while keeping a majority of their work on CUDA.

      3. Meta and MSFT buying AMD offerings is compatible with keeping a majority stake in Nvidia hardware and CUDA, thus, you’ll need to explain the mere fact that Meta and Msft are buying is a bullish indicator as opposed to neutral.

      4. Attend to how Nvidia might counter these moves in product or business strategy and how this can counteract and shift or change in market sentiment.

    5. I agree on the forecast revisions. I used to be bullish on AMD winning AI given they have a solid server business, but the AI demand quickly shifted to graphics chips and AMD is just behind there. NVDA is only solidifying their lead with their software advantage, so even if AMD catches up, they are going to be up against NVDA inertia.

      That said, I think AMD is undervalued here. They don’t need to be number 1 to have massive earnings potential. Their hardware is good and they have locked in supply from TSM in a shortage market. They are also going to benefit from the upcoming consumer cycle. Their dominance over Intel is going to yield additional revenue there as well. I’ve got some debit spreads for November betting on a surge back to 200+ in the second half of the year.

    6. EitherGiraffe on

      >Xilinx acquisition is going to help them hone their software to catch up to Cuda

      Have you ever used Xilinx tools? Their software is notoriously bad.

    7. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. The only time i made $$$ from AMD is a 3wk-1 month. Put. AMD is the albino brother of Nvidia.

    9. Bring on my confirmation bias! My lonely amd is getting bent over by nvda so time for a little run of its own. Yes please. I approve this message and that is financial advice.

    10. I’ve got burned last time trying to buy Nio as a proxy for Tesla. Never again buying a “value” stock in a hot sector

    11. I’ve been holding AMD since 2022 and am now getting off the ride and moving my gains into ARM. I think it’s pretty clear cut if you’re investing in AI, you invest in NVDIA (also since 2022). Now you find the companies that are growing the most as NVDA has insane gravity pulling up the relevant tech. I’m moving my gains into ARM as I already hold positions in MU. I think those two are showing the most promise in terms of related companies who stand to gain the most following NVDA success

    12. AMD is projected to take 10% of the DC GPU market. So if you believe NVDA market cap is justified at $3.34T then AMD should be around $334B implying a stock price of $206.

    13. No-Monitor-5333 on

      This type of shit happens with every arm race into a new industry. JUST BACK THE CLEAR LEADER AND YOULL ALWAYS WIN

    14. I thought the title said AMC i was about to break some eggs ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    15. Lol, AMD is in trouble… anyone who keeps up to date about intel unserstands why. (Yeahyeah dont waste your time replying with history, im investing in the future)

    16. thatdamnmilesdavis on

      I’m contracted to AMD.

      We were notified in Feb AMD was sold to a third party buyer and is cutting our service end of year to include other services.

      Do what you want this that statement.

    17. How does the acquisition of Xilinx have anything to do with software improvements? I’m a bit confused

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