

    Posted by LifeIsABoxOfFuckUps


    1. warriorsReaper on

      Bruh.. you had a month left and you got cold feet.. on Fricking NVDA? oooof

    2. Electrical-Sample-10 on

      Bro panicked!!!!! This is why I tell people don’t invest money you’re not ready to lose!!!!!

    3. Better off with puts, no more real upside.

      NVDA doesn’t really have a long term business model at this point, their most advanced chips are to the point now that they literally can’t get any faster without a complete redesign or novel computing method, they can speed up manufacturing and lower prices and that’s about it.

    4. truetalentwasted on

      Buys monthly. Sells same day. Welcome to Wendy’s can I take your order.

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