1. No matter how bad of an investor you are, at least you’re not as bad as Cathie Wood.

    2. #Ban Bet Lost

      /u/SleepOk6530 made a bet that SPY would go to 435.0 within **1 week** when it was 542.475 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

      Their record is now 0 wins and 1 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    3. I don’t want you guys to lose money, but I have 20k in puts and I need to make money tomorrow.

    4. The rebalance is going to be a nothing burger ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. The only Gen Z / Gen Alpha lingo I can get behind is Horchata Cannons. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)

    6. casey-primozic on

      If Jensen would only rename Blackwell to BBCWell, NVDA would moon to 1000 and it would split again.

    7. WSB poll:

      * NVDA 140 tomorrow
      * NVDA 140 Monday
      * Crayons are a great source of carbs

    8. girthgoblin25 on

      Lotta ppl have conviction and make a play based off that. I aimlessly pick random shit and whatever hits I then develop conviction for it.

    9. just looked at a girl and thought “damn shawty, I got homies more feminine than you”

    10. Quad witching is almost always ass cheeks, idk why gards buy options expiring on quad witching lmao

    11. SinisterStroodle on

      Bears: “Aww I shouldn’t have sold my puts”

      Reality: Puts still wouldn’t even be ITM

    12. RockasaurusRex on

      I imagine it must be hard to be a kinky little person. I bet that ISPs dont like when you do a Google search for “child sized bdsm gear”.

    13. NormalRatio1082 on

      Might take a break fellas, I am so fucking greedy and make good plays that make good money but hold on way too long and fuck it up. I had such a bad loss last week it almost brought me to tears and I don’t cry often. I need to reassess my strategy or get out completely

    14. wintermango69 on

      Goodnight y’all when I wake tomrrow Nvda better be 134 already ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

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