Bro I have not bought a single call since the whole NVDA hype train started back in 2022. I swear to fucking god I have not taken a single bullish action on NVDA since the beginning. Yesterday (06/21) I bought my first call after debating whether or not to after this week's absolutely ridiculous gains for NVDA, so I decided, maybe it's time to finally get a piece of the action… Needless to say I got gaped yesterday. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

    Cope Post: NVDA is gonna go back up… Right?????
    byu/palexo0o inwallstreetbets

    Posted by palexo0o


    1. seasick__crocodile on

      It will go back up at some point but not necessarily by the time you need it to… when do your calls expire?

    2. I never got into options until I bought calls expiring today for Nvidia and SPY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. Masterbaiter8888 on

      Feel you, bought puts for the previous 4 trading days, finally decided to buy calls and sell some puts yesterday. And here we go 😅

    4. Sure its going to go up again. If the US doesn’t implode first this will be a 10T company by the end of the decade so buy some shares next time, less stressful..

    5. People want Jensen but market likes Timmy’s dildos more ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) and no one beats Billy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. Chance_Airline_4861 on

      It dropped before from 940ish to 760…. which is a bigger drop then this.

    7. bruh it went from 135 to 130…still up 37% this month, 171% this year, and you know the rest…

    8. thesexycucumber on

      Hope you’re ready for some ass pounding today. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    9. Just stop buying calls, buy stock instead. That way you don`t really care about those red days

    10. If you’re long the share, there isn’t much to worry about it. Trim a little, or wait. The problem is for people who go full port with options with close expirations.

    11. ConcentrateKnown on

      I’ve been holding off buying any options since I last lost big, but couldn’t bear the people making money hand over fist. So yesterday I transferred a chunk of money into my account, placed my orders for NVDA, aaaaanddd it’s gone.

    12. Josepth_Blowsepth on

      No. Cathie Wood bought yesterday morning. USS Wealth Destroyer is in port

    13. Stunning-Trip1966 on

      Dude you know the rule: it dumps to hell when you buy and it goes to the moon when you sell. If you try to cheat and buy both a call and a put, it trades sideways…

      The idea is that whatever you’re thinking, everyone else is too, and the most money is made by inverting you.

      It became so stupid and obvious to just put your kids tuitions in nvidia that everyone started just doing it, so now those who pumped up the price can sell sell sell to more and more dumbasses at any price.

    14. 1PrestigeWorldwide11 on

      This is not a coincidence there is actual probabilities at play here as it reaches a local top as soon as it draws in the last reluctant buyers. Someone who has resisted so long is finally feeling left out enough by how much gains everyone is making that you concede and pull the trigger … it can’t get any more hyped than that hence a top. You can be your own contra indicator in the future. You cannot buy a charts past returns. Look at the white space to the right of a chart that’s what you are buying.

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