Can someone plz tell me wut I’m doin

    Posted by Chummyterror


    1. Mofo has a buying power of half a million and one post karma. What is this? Your weekly play money allowance?

    2. GapResident9678 on

      As much as I envy seeing something this beautiful, congratulations, max your Roth, take care of your family, & have fun nights out with the boys on you. Praying to see days like this

    3. AGenerousG0d on

      Throw $200k on SMCI puts tomorrow. You can Venmo me 2% on Monday. You’re welcome.

    4. could you give all the comments before me 1k? including me of course and all those that called for your ban

    5. Specialist-Map-5602 on

      How are you going to post a 500k gain in one day and not include the play

    6. RatioTechnical234 on

      Where’s Boeing assassins when we need em the most ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    7. You can’t do the same types of trades again. The real skill here is to adjust in not saying don’t trade heavy but long/short options with the entire account again would be irresponsible. Last year I almost doubled my account from 5 to 9 and this year it’s at 11 but no more yolo options for me. The year is so long just wait for good opportunities and just do straight stocks only. Believe me losing this will feel worse than never making it.

    8. Pic is useless without details. Why the fuck hide your positions? Are you buying secret CIA stocks you can’t mention publicly?

    9. No-Growth-5724 on

      It seems like something is wrong with your portfolio
      Why it is not red ??
      Mine has been red since day one
      Contact support to get you app checked

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