1. Sandvicheater on

      If the human race gender ratio went 60 female to 40 male the whole social dating marriage dynamic would radically change

    2. #Ban Bet Lost

      /u/alon359 made a bet that NVDA would go to 129.0 within **2 hours** when it was 126.997 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

      Their record is now 0 wins and 1 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    3. Why are we #1 in stocks and investments. I thought this place was for gamblers yoloing full ports and posting gain/loss porn. Shouldn’t we be #1 Gambling and Shaming?

    4. thezenunderground on

      Meanwhile ARM gave zero fucks..maybe that thing will go to 200, and have a forward PE of 1000000

    5. shortgamegolfer on

      Company owner stopped by my office at 5pm on Friday. Probably just seeing who’s here. I should have asked him for a raise.

    6. With micron earnings we can guesstimate how well NVDA is doing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    7. People from nvdia sub calling people from tesla sub delusional ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. Ashamed-Second-5299 on

      Is there a way for Nvda bulls to sue XLK fund manager for calling in sick today?

    9. If I weren’t so lazy, I would go find the post I wrote a while back explaining in more depth that NVDA does this almost every quarter:

      1. Reports blowout earnings. Shoots up overnight

      2. Week following earnings – continues to run up as analysts raise targets

      3. Following month – eventually runs up to the higher end of average price targets (In this case 1400 – Split adjusted $140)

      4. Then drops – follow by churning around for a month.

      5. Then about 2-4 weeks out from next earnings, starts a slow climb back up to that same higher price target average.

      6. Reports blowout earnings, rinse, repeat.

    10. #Ban Bet Lost

      /u/No-Establishment8330 made a bet that NVDA would go to 135.0 within **1 day** when it was 130.445 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

      Their record is now 4 wins and 7 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    11. Yogurt_Up_My_Nose on

      the number of regards in here that think Quad witching is all that exists is impressive. today was a Triple witching regards.

    12. tropicalia84 on

      Wow SPY and QQQ already up almost $1 after hour going to be a HUGE gap up Monday

    13. Dear-Bet7063 on

      Crazy how many people trashing CSCO  because they don’t understand cyclical market dynamics and dividend dates while I’m over here rolling in dough 

    14. If you watch Kung Fu Panda in reverse order starting from 4. You’d think Po has 2 dads because they ghae ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    15. Worth_Swim_3128 on

      Why couldn’t we just leave the tribes alone, in peace? Why did we have to assimilate them into this hellscape of capitalism, scientific advances and mental illness?

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