Anyone come back from shit like this?

    Posted by aafidolphin


    1. shinzo123123 on

      Oh you’re gonna have a come back alright.

      Behind Wendy’s for the next 7 years.

    2. bawtatron2000 on

      I’d guess not. If you blow $80k in a bull market WTF you going to do with your pocket change?

    3. No because if you start with $100 and lose 99% to then have one dollar, you then have to gain 10,000% of that $1 just to get back to $100 let alone make any money.

    4. Yes. I was down about 98% all time and put my last 1300 into a stock. Held it 16 months and now up up 48% all time. You can do it 👍

    5. If you want a real answer, yes people come back from poor financial decisions all the time, it doesn’t have to ruin your life or define you as a person. But the first step is admitting you probably have a gambling problem and getting help. There are professionals and support groups out there to help with gambling addiction who have seen people come back from way worse.

      But on the other hand, if you’re financially secure and this is a play money account by all means take another spin at the roulette wheel, you’ve still got $600 to dust off, zero or hero. Good luck whichever way you decide to go.

    6. HistoricalMistake868 on

      what did you bet on? This is a bull market brother. Not sure how you lose $80K

    7. This 80K is gone, this is never coming back.

      You will make the money back, but not from the markets and not from the 593 you have left. You will make it back from your jobs, from your other, stable investments.

    8. QuantumMotle on

      I heard mcdonalds is hiring. You could definitely make this money back by working there a few years.

    9. -_-______-_-___8 on

      Bro you still have 600 to turn this around, just do the exact opposite of what you think is a good idea

    10. What the fuck are you people doing that you lose 80 grand and 99.26% of your investment? Don’t tell me, think inwards

    11. Imagine how much less stress it would be for you to have put that in an S&P500 fund, not touch it, and see it balloon into more than a million in a few decades. Incredible the irresponsibility.

    12. Yes, take that remaining $46.68, buy a 30 rack of Miller Lite, start your weekend early by drinking…and just forget about the future man. Cheers! 🍻

    13. JobItchy9815 on

      I turned my last 500 into 6k and am slowly making a comeback. @16k now. But still have a long way to go

      Making money is exponentially harder than losing it.

    14. PraetorianOfficial on

      There are people who bought CSCO in 1990 at 6 cents a share and sold in 2000 at $80.

      There are people who bought NVDA in 2014 at 40 cents.

      There are a lot more people who didn’t do that. But sure, it’s possible.

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