I literally dropped my last money into NVIDIA calls expiring next Friday. 150c28june
    Please pray for a fellow 🦧 🙏🏼


    Posted by FFRespect


    1. And just think you could have gotten fucked by a super model for that much money, maybe do that next time OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. Get margin or some sort of bank loan and buy more calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    3. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Last time NVDA fell like this, it was a 2.5 month journey to recovery. Good luck.

    4. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Last time NVDA fell like this, it was a 2.5 month journey to recovery. Good luck.

    5. TheOnlySafeCult on

      $150 strike is straight delusion. You couldn’t possibly make any money on this unless you were scalping intraday. Why did you go into the weekend without cutting your losses?

    6. Chill I already lost $5k last week. It will be easier once you get to the acceptance phase

    7. CaliKeyserSoze510 on

      Still hope over 200 day plus night bounce around 120 if not then you are fuked

    8. not_a_cumguzzler on

      This is wallstreetbets, you’re maybe fucked either way sooner or later. But yeah I feel you. I just need a 1 good hit and then I’ll have learned my lesson

    9. Complex_Signature821 on

      $150 call is wild, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Maybe if u were itm u could of made it back

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