Went full regard on qqq calls last week. Should I cut the loss on Monday or should I hold for a few more days and hope for a miracle?


    Posted by pj_2003125


    1. Fun_Reporter9086 on

      The market usually goes down on Mondays because people read the doom and gloom news, get scared and sell their holdings on Mondays.

      Bud, you had about 600k? Why did you do this??????????????

    2. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    3. Is this for real? Who in the hell buys this many options for that price? If it was a $1 to start sure I can see that… but god damn. 😳😳

    4. Do some math. Will yolo all your remaining cash make the break even go nearer to ATM/itm or still far away. If nearer, keep dca. If far, buy deep itm call and recover as much as you can if you bullish, put if bearish. Obviously this is regard speaking 🗣️ 😂

    5. Plus_Dance_931 on

      If I had that much money I would be able to pay off my mortgage and live well and not have to make anymore risky option plays. Job done.

    6. Long_Force5201 on

      If you wanted to experience liquid diarrhea and projectile vomiting, I would have taken you to Denny’s. You didn’t have to pay 300k for this man

    7. Salty_Comment6050 on

      You can buy a house with 280k. Sell on Monday, buy a house or put what’s left in an S&P 500 etf on a different brokerage. If you have this much money to spend book a ticket to Vegas and bring 50k cash and have fun with your money, then do yourself a favor and never trade options again.

    8. Im only six months into options but i will say ive had several smci calls that were down around 5k and i sold to avoid going further down. Literally the next day they woulda been up 5k. not financial advice

    9. you basically bet on a coin flip and didn’t allow enough time for the coin to land

    10. I lost about 2/3 of a 30k account to 4 dilutions happening within days of each other and by not taking decent wins , waiting for the home run on every trade, yet letting losers run wild.

      While it hurts, my one consolation is that, had I continued to be lucky (at this for about a month, and almost doubled my account the first week) I would have reached a point where I would have a 6 figure amount, just to lose it all to the same mistakes that I mentioned before.

      Not trying to be insensitive here, but what was the thinking behind making such a huge bet? You labeled your post as YOLO, but is that really a small percentage of your account or money you can make in a short time at your day job?

      I know there are all kinds of people on this sub, some of them incredibly wealthy and some broke and dumb, but it still surprises me to see someone with 1 mil come here for advice. With what you had in this one account alone you could have made more than the median wage in the US as passive income.

    11. Kingtizzle77 on

      Hold post quad witch plus Friday u mich and core pce coming in. It’s still a buy the dip market till it’s not.

    12. What’s your P/L on the year so far? I would sell immediately and take a break if your up a couple hundred thousand.

    13. Electrical-Sample-10 on

      If you want to lose money like this just send it to me cash app I’ll help you lose it $littlenipple2134

    14. stockmarkettrader on

      My advice-sell further out of the money calls and put on a vertical call spread

    15. You’ll be ok hopefully some of that rebalancing and the witching being over we can recover some, but rolling would give you some insurance too

    16. Either way you’re going to be wrong, so just do the opposite of whatever you decide.

    17. to break even ; QQQ PRICE 486.67 on monday! if monday open 480.50 these contracts will cut in half 0.75 cents

      hope you get profits !

    18. So after reading more of your comments, you’re actually up still. Sure you’re down big, but you’re still playing with house money. Instead of trying to hit it big, take $50k and use that to play with while pocketing whatever you have remaining. Hell with $50k to play with every day you could make it where you don’t have to work again if you don’t go all in again at one time

    19. Big_Eye_3908 on

      MU has earnings on Wednesday and I think it’s going to be a blockbuster. This could bring all the AI and chip stocks up and should save your position, but definitely roll out

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