I am at 750k right now. All I know is I wanna quit my 9 to 5 and it can't happen till I have a portfolio of atleast 3M invested s&p 500. Do you all have a number in mind or would you just keep gambling for the rest of your life?

    Do you have a number in mind after which you’ll quit.
    byu/Pitiful_Inspector_62 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Pitiful_Inspector_62


    1. I wouldn’t quit. Fortunately, I do like my job, its not wildly difficult, pays well, and has a lot of stock in my compensation that has been performing well for the last few years

    2. Ashamed-Second-5299 on

      A better way to think about it is how much cash flow can you reliably generate.

      Seen plenty of people retire with $2M only to go back to work a few years later.

    3. Hell with my retirement if I could hit 500k and pay off everything I wouldn’t need to do anything if I didn’t want to

    4. Redditaccount2322 on

      What is with all the shit advice in here? Did this place turn into r/fire over the weekend?

      There is no number – you either become the next buffett or work behind the wendy’s dumpster. No inbetween

      But yea 5-10M liquid would do it

    5. alternativepuffin on

      Y’all have fun waiting til 10. I’d rather have 5 and 8 years of not working.

    6. $2M

      I’ll still prob hit the Wendy’s parking lot every now and then just to remember the good ol days though.

    7. At 3 million invested assets, I’m cutting back hours at work significantly. At 5 million I’m probably done.

    8. Pernicious-Peach on

      $1.6 million.

      At a 3% withdrawal rate, I can live off $4k a month in perpetuity

    9. MrEndlessMike on

      Need about 2 mil. Fully own my home and cars. Have about 6 acres of land. Just need the 2 mil, sell the house, build on the land and start really living.

    10. dark_bravery on

      whenever my current job is done, that’s it for me. i was going to quit but i’ll wait for a layoff. i’m guessing that’ll be soon enough

    11. StrangeLab8794 on

      Mostly inaccurate statements on here from people who really haven’t done the math.

    12. I’d walk tf off at $500k tbh. My expenses are very low and that could set me for quite a long time.

    13. With 1 million, if nothing changed. I can be comfortable living on 50k a year for the next 20 years.

      So with 2, maybe 3 million, I’d be well off.

    14. probabletrump on

      It all depends on what your annual nut is. If you have a house paid off and no other debt, you just need to worry about taxes and insurance there. That’s a hell of a lot better than having a mortgage hanging over your hear.

      Get a second house that you can rent and it can cover taxes and insurance for both.

      Gotta feed yourself. Learning how to cook cuts that down considerly. Gardening could help cut that down too, although most people I know spend more money on that hobby than it saves them.

      Health insurance is a biggie. That alone might be enough to make you work something even if it isn’t your normal 9 to 5. Exercise, eat right, get shit checked out and health care costs usually stay manageable.

      If you take all that into account and you can do it on $2500/month, then you’re there. If not, work the problem from both sides. Reduce expenses and continue to grow. Eventually the two will overlap.

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