When I was 19 and working part time in college during, I blew $5k on short term options after trying to make my money back on some trades. I vouched to never touch options again and took a break from investing till I had a stable job again.

    4 years later at age 23 I made the same mistake. I blew $3k I had sitting in my investment account on shitty short term options, again made a really emotional decision.

    I didn’t “need” that money, but it was going to help pay towards a future car. I have made much better financial decisions since I made the same mistake 5 years ago (maxed out Roth IRA, getting full company match on Roth 401k, 4 month emergency fund in HYSA).

    Just ranting. I am well aware I made a really fucking stupid decision. Just very upset at myself as I try to save money wherever I can and here I am blowing 3k in days like it’s nothing !

    Rant – made the same mistake I swore to myself I wouldn’t make again
    byu/lowGPAengineer inwallstreetbets

    Posted by lowGPAengineer


    1. TrumpKanye69 on

      You are a shitty gambler. If you had bought $5k worth of SPY stock at 19 years old that would be up at least 200% right now

    2. mrintercepter on

      Depending on your financial situation, it might not be that stupid. Better than going to a casino and putting it on black.

      You’re young. If you have some spare cash while still doing the appropriate savings for long term retirement, knock yourself out and don’t look back. Just be sure to budget and stay in control of your spending cap on these gambles!

    3. If it was that easy, anyone could do it.

      I stopped trying to get rich quick and only buy stonks like a boomer.

    4. Sir, time value of money is the most important thing you can recognize. You can become an old person with JPM @ $3.35, VLO @ 28.54 and others putting divvies in hand so you can play without flushing underlying. Remember the rule of 7 and 9.

    5. InfinitiveGuru on


    6. You’re gambling not investing. Stop calling yourself an investor and go to gamblers anonymous.

    7. Walk away man. unsubscribe to this sub.

      It’s like walking into a bar as an alcoholic. Maybe you’ll just sit down and shoot the shit with all the drunks. Seems like a good plan.

      It’s not.

      Go subscribe to bogleheads or something.

    8. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    9. Don’t beat yourself up I just blew up $5k in 8 hours on Friday. Sounds like we will see you back here in 4 years then!

    10. Maybe, and this might be crazy talk here, stop posting/looking into a sub premised on degenerate gambling


      the next time you can make it all back and then some.

    12. internet_cowboy_ on

      Put more money into the account and make that 8k back! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    13. NuclearPopTarts on

      I’ve been investing for decades and I don’t touch options.

      I’m not saying options are bad. But you do not need options – or any type of leverage – to outperform the market.

      Also, funds you are saving for a future car, house, tuition, etc should never be in stocks, let alone options. Put that in savings / money market.

    14. clarence_worley90 on

      op is proof college makes u stupider

      we should all vouch not to send our kids to college

    15. Chicken_Smuggler008 on

      Don’t worry about it bro, i lost 5k around 2022. Made it all back and some more in 2023. Quit for a bit and came back in 2024. I was on a roll and made over 6k in gains and just when summer break started, i made a bad play and rage traded my way back to being 1.5k down overall. Never felt my time was as wasted as this before and I do my fair share of nothing productive.

    16. Possibly, you ***bought*** options rather than ***wrote/sold*** them. The people who make the most and steadiest options income, every year, are the option sellers. Most options expire worthless, the premium goes into the seller’s bank, and he or she sells again.

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