The ‘sticky valve’ on Boeing’s rocket ship that left astronauts stuck in space

    Posted by lichsadvocate


    1. VolkspanzerIsME on

      I’m sure they would’ve packed a hammer to deal with the valve but NASA didn’t want to pony up the extra 17 mil.

    2. See, no big deal. Everything gets sticky when whistle-blower blood gets spilled on it.

    3. will probably turn into the most expensive 4th July fireworks in history ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    4. Master_Mix_4848 on

      They’re not stranded. ever seen red bull, they just gotta parachute down.

    5. PeacefulGopher on

      Probably should have left out some of the bolts holding the valve together. You know, like they do on their fast opening doors….

    6. I called this months ago. Even the best engineers run into issues like loose panels on spacecrafts. Trusting boeing to make an aircraft was a huge mistake risk by these astronauts.

    7. FortunaCrypto on

      I died of laughter when I saw some dudes comment; “In space nobody can hear you whistle blow” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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