
    Posted by MajorHubbub


    1. Routine-Material629 on

      Start the graph at 0 oh .. doesn’t look like too much of a difference now

    2. That happens to any fast evolving tech. 4y old Toyota Corolla is exactly the same as 1y old one

    3. Chance_Airline_4861 on

      So is the intent of this post evs good or evs bad? I would say the first?

    4. Marshtamallo on

      It’s not Tesla that’s causing this, it’s the over saturation of other sub-par EVs that have been introduced in the past number of years.

    5. Seems like this is not the case in my country. Used model Y is selling for same price as brand new ones, even if they are about 1.5 years old.

    6. This is obviously due to scale and innovation bringing newer models at cheaper prices. This curve will eventually plateau.

    7. Healthy_Trouble3723 on

      Imagine thinking TSLA trades on EV sales or any sort of fundamental.

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