shiiiet he fucked now

    Posted by s1n0d3utscht3k


    1. > do the best job for our ~~economy~~ billionaires

      Cathy wants her taxes cut again, obviously

    2. Cold-Permission-5249 on

      Is anyone surprised that she’s going to make another terrible decision? She’s uber Christian and wants those Republican tax cuts which balloon the deficit and national debt.

    3. Firemeupbaby2009 on

      I made a lot of money in 2022 betting against Cathie Wood with the SARK ETF, she is a massive idiot. Just listening to her on CNBC is enough to make a person dumber for having listened to her talk about future price targets for stocks that make negative income. This will guarantee that Biden wins and Cathie Wood will lose massively again as is her pattern in investing.

    4. Illustrious_Hotel527 on

      She won’t have to worry about taxes with all the loss carryover that she has..

    5. Not sure any president has any real effect on the economy… those days are over.

    6. She believes he will take rayes to the ground and that she’ll be able to pump her garbage again. Won’t happen

    7. She also says god is talking to her. Hearing voices used to be red flag when dealing with other peoples money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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