My family went out for ice cream at the local farm stand yesterday for the first (and last) time this season. Compared to previous years, the portions were cut in half, the quality of the ice cream went to shit, but the prices were about the same. In spite of it all, there was a longer line than I've ever seen before. This business drastically reduced quality and their costs while increasing their sales. This tells me that disposable income of an average American consumer can support economic growth for the foreseeable future. Calls it is.

    Inflation is bullish.
    byu/grip_n_Ripper inwallstreetbets

    Posted by grip_n_Ripper


    1. Hour-Animal432 on

      Idk how you correlate disposable income for maxing the credit card.

      Just because you buy overpriced popcorn at the movies doesn’t mean you’re rolling in $$$.

    2. OP probably best if most people only eat half portions anyway ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. grip_n_Ripper on

      That’s what semiglutides are for. Which reminds me, it’s time to buy the HIMS dip.

    4. greatestcookiethief on

      i see the opposite as recently every restaurant we went has no line, reservations are not hard to get, american disposable income has been spent was my conclusion 😛

    5. Inflation has always been bullish. That’s why the market only goes up in the long run. Who do you think benefits from the iPhone going up 500% in 10 years? When inflation gets out of control and force the Fed to raise rates, we see a short period of down market (2022), but it eventually always goes back up to new highs.

    6. Internal_Rain_8006 on

      Facts at the end of the day rich people are still rich it’s the people that are moderately comfortable that it affects the hardest because the poor they stay poor they’re going to keep getting their government subsidized checks rent and EBT cards.

    7. I doubt their costs have lowered… businesses like that shit, and any type of farming for the last 30 years, are a labor of love.

    8. googolbyte_91 on

      Just buy a ninja creamy and make your own ice cream. Shit just make your own everything.

    9. Everyone else in line for ice cream were the smart money who sold their nvda calls last week. 

    10. ImpossibleFuel6629 on

      It’s true. The American consumer is so stupid they will bankrupt themselves spending money they don’t have on shit they don’t need

    11. OakGroveHoneyBadger on

      I paid $50 for a box of cereal, dryer sheets & 2 boxes of wheat thins yesterday- which is not normal.

      People do not have disposable income. Generally, they are using credit cards to bridge the gap between the inflationary price increases and their savings/earnings/lack of disposable income.

    12. TheRoguester2020 on

      Have you been to an outlet mall lately? The spending there seems a bit insane.

    13. Infinite_Imagination on

      So THIS is the ice cream store that was causing all those drowning deaths…

    14. QuestionsToAskNow on

      Time, cost and quality. You can pick 2.

      Companies are like ” I don’t want any” just give me your money.

    15. Priced In, climate change makes the temperature go up, people eat ice cream to cool down.

    16. Unknownirish on

      One thing China wishes they had over America is the American consumer doesn’t give af. They want something, they will pay – regardless of shit quality and portion size.

      We’re complain about it later when are checks come in week though. Lol

    17. CouncilmanRickPrime on

      What OP didn’t see was half the line using Affirm to afford ice cream

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