Look at that. A gift of an entry point. A healthy rotation into other sectors, no actual bad news specific to NVDA or tech and all of a sudden, shares on sale for the price from 2 weeks ago.

    Hoo doggy!!! I’m going to enjoy this.

    I’m a coward, so just going to grab some LEAPS until at least getting back to $140.


    Posted by LtBRoots


    1. lol OP, Shiba Inu is all one needs to know there ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. sack_of_potahtoes on

      This might turn gold eventually. You have enough time on the contracts

    3. originalusername__ on

      Good call selling all that VOO and buying options, you ain’t no bitch

    4. Sandvicheater on

      Any particular reason your Jan 2025 nvda LEAPS is strike price at $148? I mean there’s way more open interest in the $150 strike prices and you could’ve bought way more calls for cheaper prices for just $2 increase in strike prices? All the greeks between $148 vs $150 is negligible

    5. Money_Ball_3396 on

      This is gonna print OP I’m excited to come back to this thread in a few months

    6. centaursteve on

      $NVDA Listen, do you all realize that while you’re here losing your pennies because of the stock dumping that Jensen, insiders, and other very very wealthy people are losing real BIG money? Do you really think Jensen isn’t going to send the stock flying with some news during the shareholders meeting? It’s done enough bleeding, allowing the big guys to buy back in at a lower cost, encourage shorts to cover, and send the FOMO back out to you all. Let’s also not forget that $MU is going to shatter earnings, also propelling the tech sector back up $XLK

      New ATH by the end of the week. Book it 🚀

    7. Icy-Subject-6118 on

      Should be interesting to watch those go worthless. I think I’ll enjoy it 🥹

    8. Distinct-Race-2471 on

      The stock market only goes up. And there are limitless trillions to invest.

    9. behindcl0seddrs on

      You need to pray to the MU gods as well because that’s steering the whole ship this week imo

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