Started off with 6k from a few year of investing. Then got that Glorious student loan check of 16k and then throught to my self if I had the balls to take it "To the Moon!"
    I can't wait for this next student loan to hit my account!
    Making all the best decisions in college and can't wait to make more!!! 😉

    Posted by skippM3


    1. BuySlySellSlow on

      Why get into debt with school when you can make MILLIONS in the stock market. Good on you, kid!!

    2. Smart move would be to cash out the loan repayment amount now and free roll the rest.

    3. Organic-Grocery on

      Here I am freaking out about 25k total in student loans and you’re gambling 16k of it

    4. I did this too lmao

      No clue why the Feds give people 2-3x more than they actually need 🤷‍♂️

      You’re going to give me a large amount of interest-deferred money? K thx bye

    5. every_page_a_story on

      That’s technically illegal. I ain’t going to tell no one, but congrats for telling on yourself.

    6. lostfinancialsoul on


    7. Another dude did this some
      Time ago. Wonder what happened (he lost hundreds of thousands iirc) lol

    8. Love to see it, I did the same with my College Covid refund 💯. I went from 17k to 61k back down to 30k, be careful and and better decisions than I did 😂💯

    9. In the 2008 to 2020 this was a logical thing to do, low interest rates stocks moving up.. now interst rates are a bit higher so it depends on the rate you pay on your student loans…. And use just relatively low volatility products index ETF s etc

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