I bought NVDA Puts! What do I do now?!


    Posted by im_vnutz


    1. You’re up over 100% profit and you’re asking what to do????

      Obviously, double down. You can’t lose!

    2. LukesLoveStick on

      Wait too long and watch the profits disappear like I do ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    3. PopuleuxMusicYT on

      sell..which would be the correct option but it’s wsb, hold with diamond hands

    4. ProfessionalRow9300 on

      Wait until you are 1,000 up take a screenshot dont Sell AND the day after options are worthless to sell

    5. Southwestern on

      Take profits, get a $200 steak dinner and then a $500 hooker in a $200 hotel room and buy $5K in SPY.

    6. brutalpancake on

      Sell enough that you get your $ back and then everything you still have is profit. Then let that play out as long as you can stand to.

    7. Hereforcombatfootage on

      Wish I would have bought a put today but hey got more shares to instead

    8. You pick what color Lamborghini you want to buy when they pay off because you’re a smart options trader ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    9. myworkaccount9 on

      Tomorrow sell 30 contracts. With the remaining 20, create 2 orders. First create Profit/Stop Loss Order with stop loss set to break even and find a level you are willing to sell for additional profit target. The second order for 10 with only a breakeven stop loss, treat them runners slowly sell those away. Worse case you walk away with roughly 3k.

    10. Absolutely don’t sell them. Diamond handzzzz baby! To the moon! Can’t make money if you sell am I right ?

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