This Will SHUT DOWN The Suez Canal! Iran and Russia Will Take Over!

    remember when Evergreen ship got stuck in the Suz canal in 2021 and blocked global trade now Iran and Russia are planning a new route called the Persian Corridor 2.0 that could change everything this route would connect the Indian Ocean the Persian Gulf and go all the way up to Russia could this New Path be a big deal for global trade how would it affect the sus Canal which handles 12% of the World’s Trade what about all the oil and gas that goes through the Suz can this new route really replace the Suz Canal or are there too many problems to solve well to know this all you have to stay tuned to find out back in 2021 the everg given ship got stuck in the suest canal causing a massive shipping Jam that showed how vulnerable global trade routes can be now three major countries are working on a backup plan called the Persian Corridor 2.0 the suas canal is one of the most important and busiest trade routes globally connecting the Middle East Africa and Europe about 12% of all Goods traded worldwide pass through this canal things like clothes Electronics oil and gas it’s a shortcut that helps companies move their goods between continents quickly the canal has been vital since it’s opened in 1869 moving over $1 trillion worth of goods every year in 2020 nearly 19,000 ships use the canal averaging 50 ships daily each carrying billions of dollars worth of goods it’s crucial not only for moving Goods but also energy 7 to 10% of the world’s oil and 8% of natural gas pass through as ships have grown larger like the everg given the canal face challenges this massive container ship is like a floating city carrying thousands of containers it’s so big that it caused a major blockage when stuck in 2021 disrupting global trade to accommodate larger ships the sus Canal was widened in 2014 costing 8 2 billion a new channel was dug to allow two-way traffic for most of the canal including large vessels like the everg given despite these improvements the incident highlighted the Canal’s vulnerability and now countries are developing the Persian Corridor 2.0 to reduce Reliance on the Suz Canal this alternative route could provide faster and cheaper trade options offering a backup if similar incidents occur in the future when the ever given got stuck in the Suz canal it caused a massive Six-Day traffic jam people were worried it might tip over a break while they worked to free it meanwhile more ships piled up waiting to get through after six long days the everg given was finally moved and the canal was reopened however the incident caused major disruptions to global trade the Suz Canal is crucial for moving Goods around the world so its blockage messed up schedules and delayed shipments the Egyptian government wasn’t happy about the situation they demanded 900 million from the ship’s owner for the losses caused by the blockage and held the ship and its crew in a lake halfway along the canal until they got paid even though the everg given is no longer blocking the canal the effects are still being felt major trade hubs around the world are struggling with schedules and there’s a shortage of empty containers this issue combined with the covid-19 pandemic’s impact on Supply chains has led to increased shipping cost and difficulty finding space on ships when the canal was finally cleared stock markets in the region like the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange and the Dubai Financial Market saw a rise in shares the Suz Canal is a crucial shortcut for global trade connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea in just 13 to 15 hours without it ships would need to take a much longer Route Around the southern tip of Africa adding 6 to 14 extra days to their Journey however the sus can can get jammed and is vulnerable to political instability this is where the Persian Corridor comes in it’s a route that combines ships Railways and Roads to connect the Indian Ocean the Persian Gulf the Caspian Sea and Russia although this idea has been around since 2000 it recently gained traction with a deal between Russia and Iran to build a crucial Railway link the corridor offers faster trade routes and bypasses potential obstacles like Suz Canal blockages but there have been challenges with Railways in Iran and border crossing paperwork despite these issues the Persian Corridor remains a promising alternative for global trade the international north south transport Corridor insc started operating in 201829 but faced challenges due to us sanctions against Iran smaller shipments used the route until July of 2022 when the first major shipment from Russia to India marked a milestone Russian President Vladimir Putin described the insc as a key transport link from St Petersburg to ports in Iran and India however the corridor had broader implications India’s trade deficit increased significantly as it imported cheap oil from Russia raising questions about whether the insc was also a way for Russia to bypass Western sanctions when Russia faced sanctions India traded more with Moscow showing the corridor’s potential initially intended to send Goods to Europe through Russia the insc fac sent backs due to the Russia Ukraine conflict making Europeans less interested in doing business with Russia Armenia proposed a new route from Mumbai to Bulgaria’s VAR via the Black Sea bypassing Russia and potentially easing tensions with azer Bahan this route is similar to Iran’s 2016 idea of a corridor from the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea connecting Asia with Europe through Iran chabahar Port The Armenian Embassy in India believes this route could boost trade by connecting India to Bulgaria Romania and Greece meanwhile azer Bahan is getting more involved in the insc with Russia helping to build a railway link between azer Bahan and Iran closing a 170 km Gap India has been strengthening its ties with Armenia supporting each other on issues like Kashmir and selling weapons to Armenia India Armenia and Iran have formed a group different from the one involving azer Bahan turkey and Pakistan some experts worry that India’s friendship with Armenia could complicate its plans for the insc which aims to connect India to Europe through Russia meanwhile China is developing its own route the middle corridor from Beijing through Central Asia and the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea a train from China recently arrived in azerbajan in just 11 days down from the usual month this route’s long-term use is uncertain due to China’s issues with Turk populations in Jing Jang India prefers Iran’s chabahar Port over bandar abis due to its proximity and capacity for large ships since 2016 India has invested 500 million in chabahar to transport Goods to Afghanistan without relying on Pakistan both India and China want to use chabahar but the international north south transport Corridor faces challenges banks are hesitant to handle Goods passing through bandar abbis due to Iran sanctions and there aren’t enough large companies to ensure smooth transport Russia and Iran see the insc as a potential alternative to the Suz Canal which handles about 12% of global trade recent deals including one to build 20 cargo ships have added momentum shipping from Mumbai to St Petersburg could be cut from 30 to 45 days to 15 to 24 days through Iran despite 20 years of discussions the ins stc’s completion remains uncertain building the insc railway has been tough due to financial logistical and political issues Russia’s interest increased only after facing EU and US sanctions post Ukraine Invasion previously Russia shipped goods via the Black Sea but now seeks alternative routes through Iran aiming for a land route from northern Russia to azer Bahan to Northern Iran and then to the Persian Gulf will the insc overcome its geopolitical and logistical challenges to become a viable alternative to the Suz Canal for global trade what are your views on this do let us know in the comments section below and for more such amazing videos do subscribe to our 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    TITLE: This Will SHUT DOWN The Suez Canal! Iran and Russia Will Take Over!
    In a world where geopolitics and global trade intersect, the Suez Canal stands as a critical artery of commerce. Join us as we explore the potential scenarios that could disrupt this vital waterway and the implications for international shipping. From geopolitical tensions involving Iran and Russia to strategic maneuvers that could impact global trade routes, this video dives deep into the factors at play.

    We’ll examine the historical context, current geopolitical landscape, and potential future developments that could lead to a shutdown of the Suez Canal. How would such an event unfold, and what would be the repercussions for world economies and maritime logistics? Our analysis combines expert insights with geopolitical analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of this critical issue.

    Don’t forget to hit the like button if you found this exploration thought-provoking, and share your thoughts in the comment section below. What do you think about the potential impacts of a Suez Canal shutdown? Subscribe to our channel for more in-depth analyses and updates on global events that shape our world.

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