A lot of people think Nvidia is overvalued or a bubble, but I think Nvidia will easily get to $150 by the end of July or beginning of August and $200 by the end of the year.

    AI, and Nvidia along with it, are generational investment opportunities. Nvidia has a first mover advantage in which they’ve continuously blown expectations out of the water in earnings reports but they don’t settle for just that. They constantly innovate with new chips such as Blackwell coming out that will be even more efficient and economical.

    Yes, Nvidia’s stock valuation of $3T is high but at one point $1T was unthinkable. Then Apple crossed that line and they didn’t just stop with iPhones – they expanded into services. Nvidia can do the same such as in: self driving cars, human robots, weather forecasting, safety whether in manufacturing, complex companies or industries, medical diagnosis or cures for diseases will be a huge boom for the stock going forward. The possibilities for AI are exponential. Whether we like it or not, trillion dollar companies seem to be becoming the norm – of which Broadcom could be the next of what has been an exclusive club until now.

    Every time there have been investors saying Nvidia couldn’t possibly go up anymore or beat earnings again, Nvidia shatters expectations and the stock goes up. How many times have there been articles saying AMD would take Nvidia’s place or had a Nvidia killing chip – yet after years that hasn’t happened and Nvidia’s only gotten stronger.

    That’s not to say over time Nvidia won’t lose some market share or have a down year or miss an earnings report, it’s not always going to be 100% rosy or smooth sailing – after all it is a chip stock fundamentally. There are risks such an economic downturn, human caused climate change, regulations, demand on the power grid that all threaten AI. At the same time, I just believe that at the end of the day AI will play a large role in the future and with that Nvidia is at the center. Chips are in so many things and the potential for AI to change the world really could just be the start of the next Industrial Revolution.

    Plus given how bloated the valuations of every stock are right now – and how much Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple are increasing their valuations – Nvidia is far from alone with high valuations. I don’t think AI is a bubble but I do think that Nvidia and the market as a whole can get ahead of themselves.

    Overall, this is likely just the initial first stage – not the end – of Nvidia’s growth story.

    Nvidia Just Getting Started: Stock Heading to $150 and Possibly $200 by year’s end
    byu/chrisbaseball7 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by chrisbaseball7


    1. sixth_survivor on

      Yup, dip already happened anyone who thinks another correction is coming is ignorant

    2. Yeah of course buddy! NVDA for sure is gonna get to 5.3T by year end! An increase of 2.1 Trillion in 6 months!! How exciting!!

      Positions or gtfo

    3. elysiansaurus on

      >Plus given how bloated the valuations of every stock are right now – and how much Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple are increasing their valuations – Nvidia is far from alone with high valuations. 

      Uh, Apple is up 8.5% on a 1 yr chart.

      Amazon,Google are about 50%

      Microsoft is 30%

      Nvidia is 200% and you think it’s hitting 5 trilly by the end of the year.

    4. seasick__crocodile on

      I’m long Nvidia but this post is not remotely insightful. It’s clear that OP doesn’t more than the most basic bits of info or anything about what goes into the valuation. To be this confident without actually knowing anything specific about the market dynamics is how people lose money.

      $200 by EOY is absurdly optimistic and institutions would likely take major profit before that point. Obviously that’s been said before, but expecting it not to be range bound for a decent stretch is likely a mistake. And if a hyperscaler reduces its capex forecast? Look out… (though it’s not looking likely in the near term)

    5. Let’s just speculate NVDIA stock the same way we did Bitcoin in the early 2010s. 1 share could be worth $100 or $10,000,000.

    6. CptStarKrunch on

      Anytime I read “generational investment opportunity”, I turn skeptical. 

      +200% in a year and almost 3000% in 5 years? I think you missed the generational stage. We’re at the breadcrumbs stage that the rich let fall from the table.

    7. Overall-Bug1169 on

      Not a day goes by that I don’t hate my employer for imposing a contract in 2013 and making me sell off my Roth. Had about a grand worth of Nvidia in it then. I almost could have retired on that now. I did that because in my memory they had basically out worked or bought every competitor in the gaming card market except AMD and I had a decent AMD card that ran super hot.
      But take a 12% wage cut and things just get liquidated. I get a defined benefit pension so quitting wasn’t a great option with what I knew at the time.

      At current valuations I’d trade but not own long term. I’d wait for a correction to under 110 maybe even 95 to get a long term position. I think the product improvement will slow and the billion dollar orders will also slow

    8. I think its worth watching recent interviews with Bill Gates regarding ai. He says he believes it is actually still underhyped, and that it is even larger than when the first graphical interface was unveiled in the 1980s. He says this on the Big Idea Club on youtube uploaded yesterday

    9. Only way this happens is if NVDA buys back stock and beefs up that dividend

    10. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    11. POpportunity6336 on

      When WSB hates NVDA, you know it’s time to buy calls. Always inverse the regards.

    12. Mysterious_Impress44 on

      Most of the big Nasdaq stocks mentioned mature around 30 PE. Nvda is at 70. Forward PE is 43. If the market continues to price it around 70, then it could get into the $140s. But There are not trillions more $$ waiting to flow into just one stock.

      We saw this same thing happen with Apple ten years ago. Once a stock gets to about 5% of the big indexes it’s maxing out on what the market will allocate to it.

    13. Bulky_Sheepherder_14 on

      Not gonna read. Nvidia isnt reaching 5T in 6 months. Whenever you try to set a price target for nvidia, remember that every $40 increase is a trillion in market cap.

    14. whatwouldjimbodo on

      “Nvidias valuation is actually low because they could start doing all these things that they’ve never done and have no intentions of doing”

      This is what you said

    15. Love post like this!

      Hold for me baby!

      Bought nvda at the split at 124, sold at 140. Bought it back at 118, sold at 129. Just bought it back at 123.

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