Fed says it’s not ready to cut rates until ‘greater confidence’ inflation is moving to 2% goal


    Posted by batyrshah


    1. Level-Possibility-69 on

      Translation: “We are working hard to figure out the correct basket of goods to use in our calculations of inflation so we can massage the number like a swollen prostate down to a cool 2%”.

    2. Services PMI showed weakness in the economy, let’s uneployment tomorrow. They might be forced to cut soon

    3. Melodic_Fee5400 on

      Translation: we keep the stock market up till election and then we will fck your a$$ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Im_A_MechanicalMan on

      If you haven’t realized yet, they’re going to continue kicking the can down the road, waiting for the bottom of the bag to fall out of the market. THEN they will cut as a necessity.

      I suspect November could be a very interesting month all around.

    5. technoexplorer on

      If they don’t cut this meeting they will overshoot their goal and possibly cause a depression.

      They should have cut last meeting.

      They need to be smoother. JPow loves jerking us around with his sudden changes.

      One cut now, and maybe that’s all we’ll need for the year. Otherwise, they will be scambling at EoY to contain the damage from their delays.

    6. Zero2Hero2MarginCall on

      This isn’t new. These are the meeting minutes from June 12. JPow literally said everything in his QA then that these now released minutes show.

    7. Careful_Diver_395 on

      Tell me you’re political while telling me you’re not political.

    8. SaltyShawarma on

      A good ol’ market crash would force an interest rate cut. If you think that institutions can pump the market anytime they want, then you know they can crash it too. They will just hold it up until retail holds all the bags, which is pretty much now, then crash it to force interest rate cuts, which are bad for consumers but easy to spin for morons. Banks DGAF about the citizenry. SOFR options are a shitty crystal ball, but crystal ball none the less.

    9. Why don’t they just “fix” the numbers and say it’s 2%? Like they’ve been doing with the basket of goods. Yay! We beat inflation! See how ready it is.

    10. SirRegardTheWhite on

      Good for long-term stability and growth. Bad for banks and lenders and idiots that bought houses at the peak.

    11. JPOW tried to play the nice dove in the fall but then every regard and their grandma pumped the markets in Q1 so now they’re going to wait until the bottom falls out of the economic hard data and will be forced to cut

    12. it’s gonna be so nasty when the yield curve unfucks and they completely overshot 2%

      whatever america #1 either way

      those other clown countries have no chance of competing even on our worst day

      ECB: poor/cucked
      china: authoritarian/regional menace
      BOE: never making a post brexit comeback
      BOJ: so inflationary any yen denominated investments have been trading flat in terms of real returns for as long as most of you have been alive
      russia: never showed up
      bitcoin: illiquidity machine
      america: oh no a little debt (read: liquidity to keep things moving)

      USD/america doomers fail to realize the global context of our absolute mogging of everyone else

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