Stocks could fall 30% as US heads for a deep recession – BCA Research chief global strategist Peter Berezin

    Posted by AdventurousGood5214


    1. AdventurousGood5214 on

      Peter Berezin predicted the covid crash and the 2022 crash and was bullish on stock in 2023 and 2024. But now he’s saying the economy is slowing down and rate cut effects are going to be displayed on the financials. That the markets are overvalued.

      Eli Lilly – 160 PE

      CRWD – 700 PE

      MSFT – 40 PE

      S&P – 29 PE ( this kind of PE hasn’t been seen the 1999 crash and 2008 financial crisis crash)

    2. X211499Reddit on

      Everybody! The sky is falling ! Sell your stock, hide your gold and buy some guns to protect yourselves. The purge is coming

    3. Pirating_Ninja on

      If you look, every single day there are headlines of “___, who called the last __ recessions, is now saying we are heading for another recession”.

      At this point, these crystal ball wielding morons need to come with an accuracy rating.

      Calling the 2 of the last 3 recessions, nice. Calling 3 of the last 3 recessions, impressive. Calling 625 of the last 3 recessions, that man needs tin foil, not a platform to amplify his stupidity.

    4. opaqueambiguity on

      Dude has been posting nothing but doom and gloom and dick all year lmao

      Meanwhile his gay short positions been getting crushed the whole time and he still has no bitches.

    5. Everytime theres one of these articles, we buy more. Eventually, everything are seen as bullish!

    6. Otherwise-Growth1920 on

      I have read a similar article everyday for the past 30 years but strangely I have also never read one that accurately predicted any crash.

    7. “saying the market could crash is the reason i have a job” – some dick head

    8. Go ask Jp chef strategist…. Oh wait ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    9. What would be the reason? military investments alone are going up because of the war and further defence contracts with many countries, chip segment should go up as well dueto AI integration etc, robotics as well. Pharma going up as always..

      I see no reason for the stocks to fall, only options to grow.

    10. Flekzvesper on

      Chinese Yen is going to crash soon too, I’m not completely convinced the US stock will crash, but I’ll be hedging against the risk.

    11. lol that cannot happen because both parties will borrow like crazy…. the end game is quantitative easing

    12. Economists have predicted 18 of the last 6 recessions. An old joke about their accuracy, I updated it slightly cause they’ve been more wrong than normal in the last few years. They’ll be right eventually, but only because they’re always saying one is just around the corner.

    13. Bigleftbowski on

      And unless you buy my secret stock strategy of not buying stocks for only $199.99, you’ll lose everything.

    14. brolybackshots on

      Yea yea, isnt it bedtime already old man? Youve been yapping about this same thing for 2 years

    15. DonutsOnTheWall on

      They might also fall 50%. Who knows. Where is the article title even based on.

    16. Potato_Octopi on

      IMO “predictions” are worthless. There’s always a lot of time to play a trend, so you may as well just wait for the recession and bear market rather than try to be the magic sage that predicted it.

    17. Stocks 30% off? Now I see why the wife gets itchy walking into retail stores.

    18. engineersam37 on

      If they keep saying it, then eventually they will be right. There will be a recession eventually.

    19. RemyVonLion on

      Bitcoin is sure eating shit rn if that’s any indicator, so annoyed with myself for not saving anything to buy the dip with.

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