So, I'm thinking that the Boeing saga is far from over based off of my recent experience with a 737 out of Houston headed to Seattle. (Flight 453)
    I fly once a year or so and today I had the great experience of two aborted takeoff attempts and a passenger unload/reload onto the same plane for a total of 4 hours of delay time.
    First takeoff attempt, the pilot notified us that the reason behind the brake slamming halfway down the runway was due to a door sensor light that came on when he throttled up that requires a technician to address.
    Second takeoff attempt, after sitting on the tarmac for about 1.5 hours, we were allowed back to the gate so a technician could come on and check stuff out. 45ish minutes later he's done and we get the go ahead. Back out, start taxiing, boom, brake slamming again. Captain comes over speakers with "We're having more warning lights on the dash so we're going to reconnect to the gate.
    About an hour later, "We're going to go ahead and disembark the plane" (everyone off). Chaos around the agents in the terminal because nobody has a plan or answer for the glaring question of when are we going to be able to get to Seattle, connecting flight, or will we make our cruise? (Not sure why you're flying in the same day for a cruise).
    After about 20 minutes of people berating the poor agents, we're given the announcement "We're reloading the plane".
    A short 30 minutes later we were off.
    Total time: 4 hours.
    Times the flight attendants did the safety demo: 3

    All I'm saying is, Boeing had a door blow off of an Alaskan Air flight a few months back and we're delayed by "door warning lights". Then overhearing the phrase "If it's Boeing, you ain't going" from the people working on the plane seem like more than a coincidence at this point. Just happy we made it and the doors\wheels stayed on.

    “If it’s Boeing, you ain’t going.”
    byu/MegaTonyIV inwallstreetbets

    Posted by MegaTonyIV


    1. I think it’s more so the lack of maintenance on behalf of the airlines. All of those fucks would rather defer maintenance as long as physically possible in order to extract as much revenue from the planes as possible because a plane on the ground isn’t earning anything.

    2. FreddieGibbs6 on

      Flight aware still shows you departed on time. Therefore Alaska still counts this as an on time departure. Just a casual 3 hours and 38 minute in air delay. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)

    3. Yesterday I saw a guy on the side of the road with this beat up 1985 F-150. It looked like he had a flat tire. This is proof that Ford sucks at making cars.

    4. Powderfinger60 on

      Boeing had two fatal and one near miss 737 incidents before the NTSB finally figured out with the help of an offhand comment by a military investigator that the hydraulic pump that controls the rudder would stop working or even work backwards when the pump was exposed to thermal shock. I guess Boeing & itself subs didn’t test the system well enough. Probably didn’t want to spend the money. So since they’re too big to fail the taxpayer pays to figure it out via the NTSB.

    5. luckylebron on

      I’ve been searching for flights from Europe to the US and I keep seeing Boeings as an aircraft – I haven’t booked because of this. And all the ones with Airbus are way more expensive. Is this some type of conspiracy?

    6. SayNoToBrooms on

      Idk man, the doors blow off, landing gear doesn’t engage, engines shoot flames, passengers shot into and lodged in overhead compartments

      But the damned things land, every time

    7. pineapplekiwipen on

      At this point almost everything is priced into this dogwater. I wouldn’t lose my pants trying to short it down further.

    8. Are they going after the maintenance crew now? Hopefully they aren’t going dead by accident during a maintenance routine!

    9. Standard-Put-996 on

      I took a flight the other day and got delayed 16 hours, get on and sat for 2 hours well they troubleshooted a problem.. like WHAT THE FUCK, everyone was freaking out.

      0/10 flight experience and I will NEVER fly on there plane again, or use WESTJET.

      They are going downhill fast, only matter of time before a plane crashes

    10. Lonely-Wedding5825 on

      Their deepstate up to their eyeballs. China loving globalist. They don’t give 2 shits. In my unprofessional opinion. Happy 4th!!!!Independence Day for the smart people in the room .

    11. SkeezixMcJohnsonson on

      Back in the 80’s the phrase was, “If it ain’t Boeing I ain’t going”. We had McDonnell Douglas to point and laugh at. Then Boeing bought them out… WTF?

    12. Chickenbiscuitmafia on

      As an aircraft mechanic who works on both Boeing and Airbus aircraft I prefer Boeing but wouldn’t hesitate to fly on either anytime. Way safer than driving!

    13. Sounds like a sensationalist account of a routine issue. An aborted takeoff that ends up back at the gate is a fantastic result. It has nothing to do with manufacturer or airline. Take it from a flight crew member. Shit happens, but it’s a good result when it’s only some minor shit.

    14. Gold_Spot_9349 on

      I’m on a plane every few weeks and I fly exclusively airbus. Funny thing the Boeing tickets are way cheaper 😂

    15. Imagine if we all freaked out and screamed doom and gloom and shorted F stock every time a Ford F-150 got a flat tire or a check-engine light came on.

      These are machines that are well-used, an airline 737 will fly 4-6 flights and 10-12 hours per day, every day of every week of every month of every year, for upwards of 20 or more years until it’s retired, with downtime only for scheduled maintenance. They’re taking off and landing at 150 mph while carrying 200 of you fatass degenerates and pressurizing and depressurizing and flying at 37,000 feet with -90 degree air temperature. Things will occasionally break. Air travel is still the safest way to travel in the USA, by far.

    16. keephoesinlin on

      Don’t expect the stock price to drop much. Remember this is government funded company

    17. Powderfinger60 on

      The airlines are probably even more shady than Boeing. They have a history of screwing the pilots & crews.

    18. Boeing is in the spotlight right now, but I am willing to bet this is the tip of an industry wide iceberg. There is no more space for the industry to grow into, and the only way of maintaining margins is cutting corners on maintenance contracts.

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