We got married at the beggening if the year after being together for two years. He transfered his GI bill because I'm about to start my BA and then get my doctorate. I was going to use it towards my doctorate because the cost of school are so high. We just got a dissolution of marriage and now I'm worried he's going to revoke it. He never planed on using it. And the marriage ended because he wasn't honest with me about who he was, he got supper depressed and angry after the marriage and didn't know why. We tried therapy, but ultimately got divorced because I was tired of being treated poorly. He didn't want to be here and he treated me like crap because of it. The dissolution was just filed. And I don't know if I screwed myself by going the route of a dissolution over divorce. I have nothing protecting me but his word. I cant afford my doctorate without it. And the only reason I went back to school was because we agreed that it would be best for both of us. Now I'm on this path and scared I won't be able to finish.

    Can my ex take the GI bill from me
    byu/foxandflame inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by foxandflame

    1 Comment

    1. LoxodontaRichard on

      Uhh this is really tricky but I wouldn’t be totally reliant on someone else’s benefits that they earned to go to school unless they’re your parent. If I were you I would start ramping up a plan B. Don’t know if he can do anything to reverse the process but you should be prepared.

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