Betting your life savings in hopes of buying a Nissan.
BarRepresentative653 on
Wouldn’t it be funny if this is literally the point where the market does a 15% pull back ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
HighArctic on
i’ll take a daves classic double, fries and a coke to drink
marsbup2 on
You have plenty of time.
Peppered_losses on
Biggest rotation out of an 8 month pump has commenced and you just went ahead and said yup life savings going in (I need a nice Nissan )
daddydunc on
Stock climbs at an almost unheard of rate, you buy a LEAP and a monthly at the top. Whew, seek help. Check NVDA’s volume recently and your butthole will pucker – it’s going to trade sideways til earnings.
ErrorcMix on
You’re doing fine
adamasimo1234 on
August and September are horrible months historically to buy calls.
UndeadMonarch1 on
🥭 came in and Grabbed all the Bools by the Bussy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
BSMITH1793 on
Broke it’s looking like! Welcome to the club buddy!
brintoul on
Hey, have you guys heard of this company called “Nvidia”? I heard they make chips to enable AI.
Jabroni_16 on
Make sure to ask your Wendy’s customers if they want a cookie for $0.99.
This is not gonna end well
ThoughtfulFoodie on
There is still some time ! I have mild hope for you.
tripleheavn on
nvda tsmc dropping because some senile guy who has no idea what hes talking about is saying some regarded shit…
OkTie2851 on
I’d pick a job at McDonald’s over Wendy. Better fries.
autobot12349876 on
At this rate you’ll be giving handies in a used Nissan Sentra
Wonko-D-Sane on
FWIW, it’s not just NVDA… all my tech and SP500 getting hard fukd real real hard today.
See you behind the Wendys then.
Op I’m so sorry for your loss. I heard Wendy’s is hiring still
This is painful to look at.
Damn this makes my last week 11k loss look like a cupcake
NVIDIA bag holders in tears 😭 rip 200k and rip the thousands you wsb fish brains are out.
don’t forget to thank whoever you know…
Betting your life savings in hopes of buying a Nissan.
Wouldn’t it be funny if this is literally the point where the market does a 15% pull back ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
i’ll take a daves classic double, fries and a coke to drink
You have plenty of time.
Biggest rotation out of an 8 month pump has commenced and you just went ahead and said yup life savings going in (I need a nice Nissan )
Stock climbs at an almost unheard of rate, you buy a LEAP and a monthly at the top. Whew, seek help. Check NVDA’s volume recently and your butthole will pucker – it’s going to trade sideways til earnings.
You’re doing fine
August and September are horrible months historically to buy calls.
🥭 came in and Grabbed all the Bools by the Bussy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Broke it’s looking like! Welcome to the club buddy!
Hey, have you guys heard of this company called “Nvidia”? I heard they make chips to enable AI.
Make sure to ask your Wendy’s customers if they want a cookie for $0.99.
This is not gonna end well
There is still some time ! I have mild hope for you.
nvda tsmc dropping because some senile guy who has no idea what hes talking about is saying some regarded shit…
I’d pick a job at McDonald’s over Wendy. Better fries.
At this rate you’ll be giving handies in a used Nissan Sentra
FWIW, it’s not just NVDA… all my tech and SP500 getting hard fukd real real hard today.
I am down $10k today as NVDA tanked, but only shares so I should be fine.
Broke it is!