So I've had Michigan residency and paid Michigan taxes my whole life.
    Even living out of state I pay Michigan taxes. My husband (AD) is from PA, to do it correctly ig I'm supposed to do the state we are in or his home state. If I do his home state as my home state do I just change the taxes being withdrawn for Michigan to PA? Should I wait until next year? Do i need to have a PA driver's license? I have a Michigan one. I've never lived in PA either. Do I need to fill anything out, call anyone etc? I just am very confused taxes in general are a lot but being a military spouse makes mine even more complicated since I sometimes work off base. If I work off base how do I get taxes taken out in whatever state i file for?

    Taxes military spouse
    byu/Isoldewinters inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by Isoldewinters

    1 Comment

    1. As a military spouse you have three options.

      1. You can continue to file in MI

      2. You can file as a PA resident

      3. You can file for the state you live in.

      Ensure your employer knows that you are exempt from local state taxes (if filing elsewhere and not your current state).

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