Yolo’d my life savings in NVDA


    Posted by Competitive-Cod-4070


    1. Bads_Grammar on

      bro the fuck are these “shares” is this similar to calls or is this a futures term?

    2. Antique-Wrongdoer-15 on

      Do calls if you dare, not shares regard!

      Disclaimer:not financial advice

    3. I don’t get wsb logic. A stock goes up 150% in 7 months and they will go all in? Like what? lol

    4. Oh thank goodness you did that. Was almost worried my puts weren’t going to print for a second

    5. PureCondition3487 on

      Dont worry about all these gay bears in the comment section. TSM just destroyed earnings and NVDA got earnings next month. You will be up a good couple of grand come next month📈

    6. I am heavily invested myself but honestly I want to lose now just so you lose!!!!

    7. blackSwanCan on

      So you only hold NVDA and TSLA, and have come here asking for a confirmation of how regarded is this? LOL.

      More than Nvidia you should be concerned about Tesla, which can get crushed next week.

      I guess, you will truly understand diversification when you have half your portfolio wiped off.

    8. 0dteCreditSpreads on

      You bought shares in the most valuable company in the world. Well done.

    9. LowCryptographer9047 on

      This scream so hard “i missed last time, I will not miss it again”

    10. Sell weeklies around the 80% delta every week. If they are in the money the Friday they expire just roll them ATM strike 1 week. Should get another small credit. Keep doing the at til they expire worthless Buy shares equal to the credit you received. Should get like a free 10 shares a week just for selling calls.

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