Keep diligently buying the dip to drag this thing out for my 10 SPX 5450Ps expiring on Monday, thanks

    Posted by nezzer77


    1. I misread it as $212k to $3M. Was almost happy for you.

      Well, still happy for you. But would have been even happier.

      Fuck you.

    2. sadmedstudent2022 on

      I need to learn how to trade options ASAP so I can get tf out of the military 🤦‍♂️

    3. nopenope12345678910 on

      False It is time to learn about EFT investing and enjoy an early very comfortable retirement. Fuck you could park this and work at starbucks just for the benefits until retirement and be incredibly comfortable.

      Edit: I also misread this at 212k turn into 3mil.

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