I bought a credit spread on $spy on July 9th, expiring this Monday (7/22). After some time (days before expiration) I check my robinhood app and my account is flagged with an account deficit, and a regulation T call. There is also a new position opened of a $557 put with 9 buys and 900 shares of SPY. My account even has margin investing disabled. I don't know what to do as I don't have a spare 501k. What should be my next move?


    503K DEFICT ON 2K ACCOUNT???????
    byu/Jaded-Snow7853 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Jaded-Snow7853


    1. idonteverwatchsports on

      There’s only one way out of this. Full port YOLO into 0DTE Spy calls Monday morning at open.

    2. DemisHassabisFan on

      Nah, you bing chillin, you will be fine. Just wait for the phantom deficit to close.

    3. Sell the 900 shares of SPY you purchased, sell the put and you’ll only be ~$3500 in the red.

    4. Delicious-Life3543 on

      Buy options, they said, it’ll be fun, they said, but only if you’re not highly regarded.

    5. ScheduleSame258 on

      Excercise your 07/22 long puts…. it’s not complicated.

      Stop trading options and go read up on what they are. What an idiot.

    6. anotherslurpee on


    7. Breathe and relax . You’ll be fine think with your head and don’t do anything drastic .

    8. Potential-Bet-1111 on

      Don’t sweat it some pussy exercised their 558 puts and assigned you those shares. You now own 900 shares of SPY and have 9 puts giving you the right to sell 900 shares at 557. No matter what happens on Monday, the max you lose is 900 dollars. Please don’t be one of those idiots that thinks they are 500k in the hole and has a crisis.

    9. Distinct_Economics37 on

      If you sell a deep in the money call/put, then there is very high chance that it gets assigned because it has very low premium. This can happen if the market moves in your favor and the short option becomes deep in the money.

      Just close the shares you get or exercise your long option to counter it. It is no biggie. The account deficit isn’t real and the broker doesn’t expect you to cover it. Just make sure to close the position.

      Next time just do a debit spread.

    10. Fucking dumbass how are you buying spreads when you don’t even know how options work? Fucking regard.

    11. NicCage1080ChristAir on

      You’re fine, don’t kill yourself like that one kid that though he had a huge deficit but in actuality he was in a similar scenario.

    12. Beginning-Loan5589 on

      sorry im stupid, it gave you 500k and forced you into debt?

      or you just blew 500k?

    13. CamxThexMan3 on

      maybe don’t invest in financial instruments you do not understand. just buy shares. you clearly don’t understand how options work. you are lucky this time around, it isn’t that bad. but, if you continue what you are doing, you will encounter a situation where you truly are fukt & there is no way out.

    14. Sir, this is support group for gamblers held behind Wendy’s dumpsters, not RobinHood tech support!

      Also if were too drunk to remember you opened a credit spread and sold puts, know that while I understand, no one here is impressed, a guy in the U.K. years ago got drunk and nearly took down the oil’s future market, message again when you top that.

    15. I have questions about this.

      How can RH let someone be assigned 900 shares if they can’t afford it? I get it they’re using options but this makes no sense to me. Couldn’t someone in theory be able to gain 900 those shares without being able to afford it, just enough to buy the contracts and get them so they’re at a deficit and then just hold those and sell them at a higher price? They’d be able to play around with 900 shares despite not being able to afford them.

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