Someone placed 12 million puts on DJT last Friday.

    Posted by Ok_Commission2432


    1. I have some, but the greeks are kinda fucked on it. DJT goes down and my puts stay red.

    2. kokothegorilla1 on

      Now they are claiming this was a cumulative reporting of all of Q2 and that this is a conspiracy.
      I am not qualified to know what is true but that’s the claim they are making.

    3. Haunting-Ebb3335 on

      According to APW they only had 12 contracts and the 120000 was a typo. Make of it what you will

    4. If you file a 13-f it disclose’s positions from the previous quarter, so this position was put on between April 1st and June 30th. Not last Friday.

    5. The “conspiracy” on this trade is comical. All that “research” by the media on this and they couldn’t uncover that they were most likely shorting it because the stock is trading at a $7B valuation for a company that had less than $1M in revenue in Q1.

    6. MaximusBit21 on

      Hard to play this one as it could literally double on any day…. Before crashing back down

    7. Can someone explain a put in this context? Is this like a long? Betting djt goes up?

    8. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    9. The Dems getting a competent candidate could cause a sell-off since almost all of the value of DJT is tied to Trump’s political future. It’s a bet.

    10. fenriswulfwsb on

      Most likely a big boy hedging a lot of shares and indicates them being bullish

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