Head-n-shoulders before earnings. Need another shoulder – got time.
HammondEggersM60 on
Head and boobie
Savings-Act8 on
The Fucked cross
netenchanter on
Mt. Ligma Tits
TreeEven2890 on
Twin peaks
Queasy-Currency-5480 on
KrochKanible on
I think they call it a green line.
TheGoluOfWallStreet on
Tits up
ExistentialRap on
I heard Dorito be talked about. A double Dorito.
JLHtard on
Twin peaks
miktoo on
two-handed middle finger.
Rottenaddiction on
It’s called buy the dip pussy
-Hdvdn- on
Cat ears
deatrixpotter on
usually.. yes.
Life-ByDesign on
Double top. Most likely going down.
Allrrighty_Thenn on
Twin peaks, very bearish lol
AudienceDue6445 on
Lament configuration masturbation formation
futurespacecadet on
Cat on a Hedge
Admirable-Chip-2217 on
Wee woo wee woo
GotBannedAgain_2 on
Titty mountain. U crash after drinking the milky goodness.
elpresidentedeljunta on
The famous “Reversed Wendie´s.” It´s when the shifts change,
BraveTrades420 on
M of death
Edit: I don’t know the “technical” name but that’s the term my group uses. The M of death often shows up on charts and always seems to play out the death part.
The two top technical
Head-n-shoulders before earnings. Need another shoulder – got time.
Head and boobie
The Fucked cross
Mt. Ligma Tits
Twin peaks
I think they call it a green line.
Tits up
I heard Dorito be talked about. A double Dorito.
Twin peaks
two-handed middle finger.
It’s called buy the dip pussy
Cat ears
usually.. yes.
Double top. Most likely going down.
Twin peaks, very bearish lol
Lament configuration masturbation formation
Cat on a Hedge
Wee woo wee woo
Titty mountain. U crash after drinking the milky goodness.
The famous “Reversed Wendie´s.” It´s when the shifts change,
M of death
Edit: I don’t know the “technical” name but that’s the term my group uses. The M of death often shows up on charts and always seems to play out the death part.
It’s called luck has maxxed out
It means Nvidia is probably going lower.
From what I gathered, double top is not good.